Chapter Eight: So many questions

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“HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY BABE” Michael shouts down the halls of the college.

“Come here you fool. Happy anniversary too. I love you.” I whispered into his ear.

“We’ve been through a rough time this year and I still wouldn’t trade it for another life. You mean the world to me Alyssa Stone and I don’t know where I’d be without you. If I could I would ask you to marry me right here, but we’re still young and I want to make you the happiest girl before we ever think about settling down together” Michael expressed his feelings out in one go!

MARRIAGE?!  We hadn't even left college and he was already thinking about marrying me. Oh boy.

    We had been together for a whole year, and wow, did it go fast! We managed to get through our biggest argument ever and we’re so happy together. I love this boy so much it’s unreal. So happy. Everyone at college was always telling me how lucky I was and how we’re cute together, kind of made me even happier! No one could make me feel crap, upset or angry because my life was complete; I had the girls, my family and my boy. And yes I know it sounded cheesy, but that is how I felt.

   That night Michael had surprised me to a romantic dinner at the restaurant we had our first date. He had rose petals put down on the floor and a violin played. This is something you expect out of a film not in real life! Guess I could’ve said I was living the ‘fairy tale’ life style; it was good enough to be! The night seemed to have whizzed by, never known a night to go as fast as it did! Couldn’t fault it at all though. Michael even got me a diamond necklace, I was so lucky. I mean, an 18 year old buying a diamond necklace for his girlfriend, was super cute.

   At this point I was in my last year at college revising for my final exams for my A-Levels. Who would’ve known it would go so quick?! Also I had actually stayed in one college long enough to fall in love with the man of my dreams. Perfect. All the girls decided to pay me a visit when I was in my Biology class. They started singing Justin Bieber ‘As Long As You Love Me’ right in front of everyone. It was so odd but did make my day as they know I HATE that song but made it sound so beautiful!

   I went back to tutoring Michael, as he was failing so badly and he couldn’t fail, his parents would kill him in an instant if he failed this last year! As I said he had an IQ of a wooden spoon, but then, he degraded to a plastic cup. Bless him. I always promised I’d get him smarter.

 I always wondered what the next year would offer us, like what grades will we get? Would we still be together? So many questions!

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