Chapter 1

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"Well that has nothing to do with me, richie! I can't help me not having time for you!" richie's boyfriend yelled.

"So what, you're just leaving?" Richie sighed in sadness. "Yes, yes I am. we fight 24/7 and honestly I never really liked you." Kieran admitted.

richie looked at him, hurt, and let him pack his fee things he brought over.

Kieran and richie went to school together, and Kieran seemed like a cool dude that he liked. so they got together.

that came with many arguments, no spare time, Kieran mysteriously leaving. richie figured he was cheating, he'd seen enough to prove his point.

richie was a good person. a kind soul, as everyone would say. but, everyone took him for granted. he wished someone would just love him and not have to worry about them leaving.

"It hasn't even been that long, Kieran. give it time." Richie tried. it was no use. Kieran zipped his bag and swung it over his shoulder, then looked at richie.

"You said you liked me and I took you in. you're hot and have a nice body but.. I have a reputation." Kieran said like it was nothing.

Kieran seemed like a sweetheart. everyone loved him! Good grades, baseball team, friends galore, he was in clubs! Now richie knows the truth. how he really is. and it's horrible.

"stop hiding behind a mask and acting like a good person when you're nothing but a cheating, lying, stupid sack of shit." richie blurted out.

he was known to have a big mouth. Kieran looked at him in shock and suddenly turned to the door.

"If I leave anything, burn the shit." he said and left. richie slouched back onto the couch and closed his eyes.

why does nothing want to go my way? Why do I have a mouth like this?
why must nobody understand I actually care!? he thought, and he rubbed his face with his dry hands.

reaching over to the table, he grabbed his phone and quickly dialed beverly's number.

it only took a few rings before she answered. "Okay, mom! close the door!" he heard Beverly yell, then there was a thud.

"Hello?" she finally said. "Hey, bevvie." richie said quietly. "Oh richie what's wrong?" she asked.

he heard shuffling, and he could imagine her getting comfy for what he had to say.

"It's over. Kieran's gone. he left and he hates me. I just.. I feel so alone." richie said, his breathing unsteady.

"Oh no richie. it's going to be okay. that bastard didn't deserve you anyway. when did this happen?" she asked.

"Like.. 5 maybe 10 minutes ago. he packed everything and walked out. told me to burn whatever he left behind."

it was silent for a few moments. richie waited patiently for Beverly to say something, and soon, she did.

"rich, it's fate telling you he wasn't the one. you've dated, what? 3 people the past year? Maybe.. nobody you know is good for you. ya know?" she said sympathetically.

"Maybe." he said just above a whisper.  he was now under a blanket, staring at the white wall a few feet away. "Am I a bad person?"

"No! of course not! You're literally the most affectionate guy. and you're always there for someone. I've literally never met someone with a heart as big as yours. this is a cruel world, and people like to take sincere things for granted. take you for granted. You're amazing. don't doubt it." Beverly said from the other line.

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