Chapter 11

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"Mind explaining all this mess?" Wentworth asked. richie glanced at his mother who had her hands on her hips and her foot tapping against the floor.

"I put up proof of bullying and harrassment. No big deal. I also put someone in jail for breaking in. not that you give a shit since you never answer the phone." Richie rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me? Do you get we have jobs to do and can't answer the phone?" Maggie said angrily.

"You've been gone for almost a month and haven't answered one of my calls or even tried calling me! Someone just broke in and you guys didn't know because you didn't answer the fucking phone. Now I'm suspended and you care about that!?" Richie scoffed in disbelief.

"Suspended and grounded. I want your laptop and phone now!" Maggie said in a motherly tone that was supposed to scare their kids, but not so much richie.

"That's not fair! I could've been in danger!" Richie said loudly. "Richard, now." Wentworth said standing up.

Richie crossed his arms and made a face. "I need my phone. for when I'm out. or you two are working." he said trying to hide his smirk.

"Fine. I want your laptop. You can get it back when Kieran gets out." Maggie said.

"Seriously? You're on his side?" Richie said. Wentworth just pointed to the stairs and richie groaned.

he gave them his laptop and locked himself in his room, making sure to bring food so he didn't have to leave his room.

He pulled his phone out and smiled because Eddie sent him a message a few minutes ago.

eddie: richie

eddie: richieeee

eddie: I have something to say!!!!!!!

eddie: oh dear love of my life shall you answer your phone so I can speak to your beautiful self ??

richie: you love me?? :D

eddie: loves a strong word hun. But no I gotta tell you smthng!

richie: yes baby doll?

eddie: god you make it seem like we're dating lol

eddie: I'm moving meaning I have to switch schools. meaning I'm closer into town and going to Derry High School. Ur school.

richie dropped his phone and jumped up excitedly. "Oh my god! Yes yes yes!" he cheered quietly. he danced around his room and ended up slipping on a sock, making him fall to the ground loudly.

"shit." he said and got back on his bed.  "okay. play it cool.." he said to himself.

richie: oh cool

eddie: ur freaking out aren't you?

richie: yes. IT'S AMAZING! Now I can see you everyday! Wait, no nvm..

eddie: what what's wrong?

richie: I kinda got suspended. Just look up Derry high and watch the news. it's all over social media. Kinda over dramatic

richie waited about a good 10 minutes because Eddie wasn't replying. then he thought maybe he went a little too far.

he didn't want to just scare off Eddie. He loved Eddie. he wanted Eddie at his school and to trust him, he wanted Eddie to-

eddie: k I saw

okay never mind forget the dramatic mental break down.

eddie: I understand where ur coming from but.. really rich?

richie: it's been like this for years. I wanted to feel relief and for them to be known as who they really are. they get to treat me like shit for years and I dont get 2 days?

eddie: I get it. I've been hurt. I understand and I'm supporting you because I'm happy at least u aren't hurting anymore.

richie swore his heart shattered at that exact moment. His eds was hurting? he never wanted Eddie to get hurt. or feel any pain. he wanted Eddie to feel loved.

richie: someone hurt you?

eddie: it's whatever. I'm fine. I'm okay.

richie: Are you sure? Ypu know you can talk to me right? I'm here. Im always going to be here for you..

eddie: please don't say that. You don't know that rich

richie's eyes filled with tears. yup, edgy heart warming guy. what do you expect?

richie: of course I do. tell you what! Skip school tomorrow and come over. I'll take you somewhere and we can hang. anything you want.. :)

eddie: u sure? I don't just wanna take all your time. and I'm fine I said.

"but you're not. I know it." Richie whispered to himself. he felt really bad. but he also wanted to be with Eddie his first day.

richie: yeah ik, just.. please? And plus.. I miss you.

eddie: pppffff sure lol

richie smiled to himself and went on his Instagram. time to be "too much" and show how much he loves Eddie.

 time to be "too much" and show how much he loves Eddie

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richie.tøzier "All cause of you" I miss you 🤧✌🏼 @Eddie_kaspbrAk

Mikey-way ooooh I c u
richie.tøzier how ur not here

bevo-marsh wink w0nk

eddie_kaspbrAk Awh I remember when we took that picture! you judged me because my hands were tiny 💕
richie.tøzier cause they are, love

Ben.handsinmycum cheesy
Stan.Uris wtf if up with ur user?
Ben.handsinmycum richie changed it and did smthng so now I can't change it

Reddie.url I ship 🤭
richie.tøzier just friends
eddie_kaspbrAk ^right
bevo-marsh stfu not for long

richie chuckled at beverly's comment. he would just ask out Eddie but he doesn't think Eddie would say yes. plus he just got out a relationship and isn't ready for another one at the moment.

eddie my love: so.. what's up with Beverly? lmao

richie: her fingers are crossed her ship is sailing

another short one lol sorry

kinda busy ♡

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