Chapter 4

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richie had decided to download the app on his phone so he'd get notified by Eddie.

since last night, he's been more happy. He slept better. And... he was in an extremely good mood.

his friends decided come over and swim in his indoor pool with him for the day, then pass out on snacks and movies.

he opened the door and was greeted  by happy and excited faces. "so! How was your lover boy!?" Ben wiggled his eyebrows.

richie looked away trying to hide his smile but everyone "ooooh"'ed.

"Come on! Spill!" Beverly insisted.

"Fine fine!" Richie said and threw his hands up. everyone gathered around him. it looked like they were young again, circling around for story time.

"So.. we talked like.. all night and I can actually be myself with him. he thinks I'm pretty cool and actually likes my personality. and we even uhm.. have a song." Richie smiled.

"A s-song?" Bill asked.

"It's a song personally for you and someone. it's like a special sharing." Stan explained.

"W-wait. we have a song." Bill said and Stan blushed.

"Did you find out his name?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, his names Eddie." Richie shrugged.

"Oooh! Let me guess. you already have a nickname for him!?" Beverly said excitedly.

"Y-yeah.. Eds, darling, babycakes." Richie shrugged again but wouldn't make eye contact.

"That's adorable!" Beverly screamed and fell to the floor in awh.

richie gave her a weird look and Bill chuckled.

"Do you have a picture of him?" Ben asked.

"No! why would I? but I can shoe you his profile picture." Richie said and pulled out his phone.

everyone gathered around quickly and watched as he pulled up his account.

"H-he looks familiar. Where does he go?" Bill asked.

"Maine high. It's close by I guess." Richie shrugged. Bill looked as if he was thinking and Stan spoke up.

"He looks so cute for you! I can already see you two together." Stan smiled.

"That's it!" bev screamed suddenly.

"What's it?" everyone asked.

"Your ship name! Reddie! I'm a fucking genius!" she laughed.

that's when richie stood up and put his hands up. "Wait wait wait. everyone calm your tits. me and him have only known each other for 4 days! We aren't going to date."

"Its a dating app idiot." Ben said.

Beverly snatched his phone and read through their messages with a huge smile on her face. "Oh God he adores you. Guys look!" she said and everyone read them with her.

"Give me my phone bev." Richie rolled his eyes.

Beverly started typing and richie had a mini freak out. "what are you doing?" he asked.

"and send!" she said and richie grabbed it from her.

richie: HI!!! I'm one of richie's friends! He totally loves you!

"What the hell! nobody said I liked him or anything!" richie said. he tried to delete it but it wouldn't let him.

"But you do." Bill said blankley.

"okay yeah but.. who cares. we're taking things slow." richie sighed.

eddie: oh hello! Love ya too rich

richie read it and smiled. all his friends awh'd.

"So.. what about Kieran?" Mike asked. "well, we're friends. and he wants to hangout with us but.. I don't know.. I dont want... him." richie said and sat down.

"You should invite eddie!" Ben said.

"No!" richie said quickly.

"But he l-lives close by. you gu-guys have to meet eventually." Bill said.

"we just met. doesn't mean it has to be soon." Richie scoffed.

"He has a point. he shouldn't rush things. it would be different if he knew one of us and invited him, but he doesn't." Stan said.

"Thank you Staniel! Love ya!" Richie said and placed a sloppy kiss on his temple.

"fuckle off." Stan said.

"Fuckle?" Beverly snorted. "yes, got a problem?" Stan glared. "Let's just swim!" Mike said and they all went to the pool room.

They all got in and changed the temperature to warm, then decided to have some fun.

"My loogie is bigger than yours so, fight me." Mike said. "No, mine is!" Bill said. "We all know its mine." Ben cut in. "let's find out." Beverly said and they all got ready.

"No loogies in my pool or your drinking it out!" Richie threatened. they all huffed and started attacking each other.

richies phone dinged and he went over to it. He clicked on the notification which came from Find Me and saw Eddie posted a picture.

It was him with another lollipop, but red, and holding heart eye glasses. his caption read, "Crushing! Kinda glad I joined this." and richie smiled at how cute the photo was.

he clicked on the comments and quickly typed. "Wow, what a qt. we should start talking. hmu darlin" and posted it. moments later, Eddie replied with "oh yeah sure ;)" and left richie smiling again.

"If you dont get off your phone, I'm dropping it in the pool!" Mike said from a few feet away.

"Its waterproof, Mikey. They again!" Richie said dipping his phone in the pool. "richie come on! we're playing a game!" Stan hollered.

A message came from Eddie, and he wanted to open it, but his friends wanted him.

he turned his phone off and swam over to them, playing the idiotic game bill made up.

for some reason he brought balloons. and everyone had to step on the balloon under water and whoever popped theirs first, gets something out of them all.

of course richie cheated. they shall never know.

he made them buy him the movie the outsiders and they watched it silently.

by the time the movie was over, it was 2 AM and everyone was asleep. so richie grabbed his phone and went to...

ding ding ding, Eddie

eddie: that's the best you've got for a caption? could've done better. show me a good time

richie: oh I'll show you a good time alright ;)

eddie: when and where?

eddie: I'm jk! unless ur serious

richie: a little after we meet. hbt?

eddie: ur being serious?!

richie: no. but it could happen ;) night eds

eddie: ...night.

eddie: Chee ;)

richie suddenly got a sworm of butterflies in his stomach at the nickname.

they haven't even met, yet, Eddie's going to he the death of him.

so they'll soon share instagrams, so expect picture and stuff


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