Chapter 7

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richie stopped playing with the straps of his skate when he saw Eddie. all he could think was what the fuck billiam and he gave them both a look.

"Oh hello. Who's this?" Mike asked and pointed to Eddie. "This is... e-eddie. the guy r-richie's talking to. I found out he's my f-friend and I wanted to bring him." Bill explained.

"Holy shit." Beverly whispered. Richie stood up then, and walked over to Eddie.

"H-hey Eddie. It's nice to actually see you." Richie smiled. he was breathless. "You too. Gonna hug me or what?" Eddie joked. but richie grabbed onto him and pulled him into a big hug. so Eddie hugged back.

the hug felt so perfect. It's like.. they fit so well. It felt different then hugging anyone else.

"Well uh, hey Eddie." Kieran waved. the two pulled apart and Eddie gave Kieran a small smile, "Hi." is all he said.

"Hey Eddie, h-how about you go g-get skates.." Bill smiled. Eddie nodded and walked away, then richie turned to hill with a glare.

"You could've said it was Eddie! I would've dressed nicer, and.. and been prepared. shit, I'm happy I met him but.. I need a heads up!" Richie rambled.

"Babe, chill. you're meeting a friend, no big deal." Kieran said. Now, Kieran wasn't one to be jealous. but, he was kinda worried about how excited and stressed richie was to see this Eddie kid.

"Yeah yeah. Okay." Richie said and took a deep breath. "I'll just he myself."

Eddie quickly skated over with a smile on his face and put his hands on his hips. "Okay, let's skate!" he said.

everyone went back into the rink and messed around for awhile. Stan and Bill had gone who knows where, Beverly, Ben, and Mike were helping each other by the wall, and Kieran kinda stood by as Eddie and richie laughed together.

"Show me something cool if you're so good." Eddie said to richie and crossed his arms. "Fine. prepare to be amazed." Richie wiggled his eyebrows and started to skate backwards. He went around the rink and did a few spins, in rhythm with the loud music.

"Mmm, I've seen better." Eddie teased. then, Eddie slipped and richie was quick to grab him in his arms and hold him tight. "You okay?" Richie whispered to him.

"Yeah, I'm good. thanks." Eddie said out of breath.

"Hey, you wanna go in the photo booth? It's open now and they're letting us take free pictures for an hour." Kieran said sliding a little closer to the two.

"oh um, I was thinking about going and playing a few games in the arcade." Richie shrugged and glanced at Eddie.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get new skates." Eddie said and carefully went to the front.

"Oh, um.. I'm not really good at the games. But, I guess i can try." Kieran said and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm sure Ben or Eddie will play with me." Richie said watching his feet as they went around the rink slowly. He didn't want to fall.

"Well, can we do something?" Kieran half smiled. "We have been. We've been skating and I even got us a ring pop at the snack bar." Richie said looking at him.

"Yeah but.. I wanna spend time with you. I mean, you're my boyfriend, and you've been with Eddie and.. your friends." Kieran said pointing their way.

"Well, yeah, exactly. they're my friends. And.. today is the first time I've met Eddie, and I'm excited." Richie gave him a look. "Are you jealous?"

Kieran's facial expressions went blank and he put his hands into his sweater pockets. "No. You know what? It's fine. Uhm, go ahead. I have to help my mom cook dinner anyway. I'll see you later." Kieran said and went to put his skates back.

Richie watched him and sighed sadly. Eddie came back with a different color skates on and smiled at him. But it went away when he saw richie.

"You okay? you look sad." Eddie said to him. It was like ge could read richie like a book. Just a week and a half and he already knew him so well.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's skate." Richie said holding out his hand. eddie gladly took it and they both went to skate for awhile.

after about an hour of games, skating, arguing, and prizes, they all went back to richie's house to swim in his pool again.

Beverly was hanging onto Mike's back, Bill was hanging onto Stan's back, Eddie was on Richie's back, and Ben was watching to make sure nobody was cheating.

they had to swim to the other side, and whomever got to the other side first, won.

they all argued about who got to spend the night at richie's, so they played the game to see.

they all would, but.. they all fight too much to spend the night in the same house.

And... richie and Eddie ended up winning!

"Yes! I meet you, then get to spend the night!" Eddie cheered and hugged richie tightly. "Today was amazing." Richie said and hugged him back, just as tight.

"Okay love birds. I'm gonna head home." Stan said and everyone agreed.

they all left and Richie made popcorn so him and his eds could watch a movie.

they ended up settling in on CoCo, which Eddie ended up crying to at just the beginning.

"Why are you crying?" Richie chuckled and held onto him softly.

"He loves his music and nobody believes in him." Eddie sniffled.

it was adorable, and there was more to come.

But.. they still had the rest of the night. and shit was gonna go down.


Short but I just got out of being sick so.. whoop

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