Chapter 12

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Eddie: hey I'm at ur door

richie: no ur not lol I'm looking out my bedroom window

eddie: but you said ur house is 556 Derry lane

richie: no I said 559 Derry lane

eddie: no u didn't!

eddie: shit ya u did. I'll be there in like.. 2 minutes

richie chuckled at Eddie's stupidity and turned his phone off. he slipped his black shirt on and went down stairs.

"Hey ma my friend is over so.. don't embarrass me please?" Richie begged.

"Is it a guy?" Maggie asked. richie stopped and messed with the hem of his shorts. "Yeah... that's why I said not to embarrass me." he said slowly. "You like him don't you?" She smirked. "Ma!" Richie yelled and skipped to the door when he heard a knock.

he opened it- ignoring Maggie's eyes on him- and smiled at Eddie. "Hello eds." he said playfully. "Don't call me that rich." he said and stepped in as richie moved out the way.

"Oh um, hello" Eddie waved at Maggie. "Hello. What are your plans for the day?" She asked smiling. Knowingly.

"Oh um.." Eddie began. "Mom, we're leaving now. I'll be home sometime tonight." Richie interrupted and dragged Eddie back to the door.

"Woah woah, eager to leave? Not even going to say a proper goodbye?" Eddie chuckled as he got into richie's car with him.

"Well, my mom can be embarrassing at times and I really dont want that right now. it'll make me look pathetic." Richie said as he sat back and sighed.

"Hey, you're not pathetic. Don't ever think that. Are you okay?" Eddie asked and grabbed his hands.

richie looked at him for a moment and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Are you okay?" Richie asked referring to last night.

It was Eddie's turn to look away and frown. "Can we go to the park? I'll.. tell you there." he whispered.

richie was quick to shoot him a warm smile and start driving to the nearby park.

they drove in silence and listened to the quiet music before climbing out and going to the swings.

they both sat on swings together and swayed back and forth. richie watched the beautiful boy as the wind blew through his hair and the warm sun lightened his freckled face.

edide then looked up and smiled at richie, then looked at his feet again.

"I've been friends with someone for awhile now. We weren't necessarily best friends, but we were close. He was like a brother to me." Eddie started quietly.

richie sat in silence and listened, thinking it was best at the time.

"we made jokes and stuff about us dating and called each other baby and shit like that. jokingly, though. but then he said he liked me and has for awhile and I didn't know what to say. we stayed friends and stuff but I didn't like him how he did, me. I kinda let that be and kept our friendship hoe it was but now he's harassing me and shit because of it and.. it hurts." Eddie said.

he looked up at richie with teary eyes that made richie's heart break. for 2 reasons to be exact.

1- Eddie didn't deserve any of that. if richie would've known sooner he would've found this dick fuck and kicked his ass into the ground for messing with his eds.

2- it broke richie's heart to hear those words because that's basically what they were doing. joking around about dating, calling each other baby, richie liking Eddie.

did Eddie not feel the same about richie then? Was it all a joke, to Eddie?

richie didn't want it to be. but he didn't want to show his doubt and sadness, so he gave Eddie a smile and rubbed his back.

"I'm here for you Eddie. that dick fuck will die if he ever lays a hand on you or physically harms you. I swear. And if you ever need to talk, or go somewhere to clear your mind, I'm all ears and have a car." Richie said holding up his keys with his other hand.

"Thanks." is all Eddie said before stopping the swing movement. "I want you to show me around this part of town. I haven't been here much except to hang with Bill. show me some of your favorite spots." Eddie said suddenly and pulled richie up.

richie thought for a moment and then smiled excitedly. "I'm totally taking you to dinner!" he said and then stopped because it sounded different than he meant.

usually he would say it how he means and joke about it. not caring much at all. but now, he doesn't feel like he should so he doesn't pressure Eddie because of his stupid love struck heart.

so he quickly tried to cover it up before eddie said anything. "I mean like.. show you the best dinner place in this part of Derry. It's literally to die for." Richie chuckled nervously.

"Oh um, yeah please do, I'm starving." Eddie said.

yeah its like.. 11 in the morning, but they sell breakfast lunch and dinner. so it was a win.

"Alrighty, let's go.. Eddie." Richie said bringing him back to the car. he figured mabey the nicknames would be too much too.

in his imagination, it was a date, but in reality, it was a restaurant showing for someone truly amazing and pure.

yee haw, I've been hella busy and I just wrote a 2000 word chapter for another story that idk if I should publish or not. and it's 11:55 PM and I should sleep but I can't fall sleep

next chapter is a "date" and some tEa

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