Chapter 13

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Richie held the glass door open for Eddie as they walked into the rather large restaurant.

"wow, this looks amazing." Eddie said honestly and looked around at the red and white designs.

"Thanks." richie said and shoved his hands into his sweater as they sat down in a booth.

"Thanks?" Eddie repeated.

"Mhm. I helped design this place when I was 14. Pretty proud of myself and kinda happy I didn't help now cause I would've done some emo shit." Richie chuckled.

Eddie was going to reply but Beverly stepped up.

"hello." she smiled at richie. then she turned to Eddie and her face lit up. "oh my fucking god are you guys on a date!?" she squealed.

"No bev. I'm just showing him around and I told him he had to try the food." Richie said before Eddie could say anything.

"Oh, well order up. it's on me." Beverly smiled.

"Oh um, surprise me with your best. I guess." Eddie shrugged. "Oof, I'll take whatever too hun." Richie said to Beverly.

"Alright give me like 10 minutes. Everyone in the kitchen is being a pain in my ass." she whispered since she was working.

with that she walked away to tell the others to hurry up.

"She works here?" Eddie asked surprised. "Mhm. Her grandfather built the place and when he passed last year, she kinda took over." Richie explained. "At 17!?" Eddie asked shocked. Richie only nodded with a smirk.

"She gets help and stuff but she's got it all under control. She's been doing good. Financially too. I've known her since we were babies so.. I'm like her sidekick." he chuckled.

"Wow. I wanna do something like that. Not like.. food. but.. photography. I wanna travel and take pictures." Eddie half frowned.

"You could start." Richie said immediately. "No, no. I'm not any good." Eddie said quietly. "Sure you are. Show me some pictures!" Richie said and Eddie slowly pulled out his phone to his gallery.

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