Chapter 2

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Waking up from a cold night, richie stretched his long arms into the air before standing up.

He pulled off his shirt and grabbed a sweater, slipping that over his head and throwing on his sweatpants.

this was his usual outfit. he never wore a shirt under his sweaters, and just threw something on for the day. Who needs to look nice? it's not like he needs to he professional.

He slouched onto his bed and opened his laptop, clicking on find me and going through his notifications.

a few messages were from people saying "You're cute" or "heyyyyy" but he ignored them. he found who had followed him last night and clicked on his name.

It was a boy with brown curly hair, which fell over the tips of his ears and he had a lollipop hanging out his mouth. he was quite cute.

His name was Eddie, obviously, and his bio said he was 16, 5'3, and lived in.. MAINE!

richie couldn't help but smile, and he noticed Eddie had messaged him a few hours ago.

Eddie: hey what's up? I'm kinda new on this thing so.. wanna talk?

Eddie: wow, that sounds pathetic of me. Uhm.. it's like 11 so I'm gonna let you be. Idk what time it is by you..

richie smiled at the awkward messages and without thinking... started to reply.

Richie: I was asleep. How's it going?

he clicked send and shut his computer, then pulled on his shoes and headed out with his bag.

He walked up to Beverly where he usually met her so they could walk to school. "Hey rich, sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah. Ut was cold though." he shrugged. "So... anything on the site yet?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah actually. a few followers, a few x's, and I found someone from here in Derry." Richie but his lip.

"Really!? Did you talk to them?" Beverly asked. she held the door open for them as they walked in the school and headed for the library.

"Well, he followed me. I didn't follow back but.. he messaged me and it was like, super awkward. I didnt reply till this morning cause I was sleeping." Richie explained.

"oooh! yes! you already got someone!" Beverly squealed and was hushed by a few people. "Yeah but.. I'm not really sure about this online dating thing." Richie said half smiling.

"You're online dating!?" Mike asked in a whisper as he sat next to them. "Well.. kinda. I'm just chatting with a few people and seeing how it goes." he said.

"what about Kieran?"

"He left. he can go to whoever he wants, I don't care." Richie rolled his eyes. "Mike, can we not talk about Kieran right now? I'll explain later." bev assured.

"Sure. but, what site are you on? talk to anyone yet?" mike asked, getting more interested.

"Well.. I got a message from this one dude. I can't remember his name but he seems cool. and he's from Derry. I'm debating following him back though." richie shrugged.

"You totally should! give him a chance. he could be the one.." mike said and leaned back in his chair.

"I highly doubt it." Richie rolled his eyes. "well, if he is, and you ignore him... you'll never have him. and you'll be letting go of someone that's meant to be." Beverly stated.

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