Chapter 14

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strong word but richie sure could relate at this point.

It's been 2 weeks since he started dating Eddie. 2 best weeks of his entire life. Could say hes being a little over-exagerant but.. how could he not love him?

They've been doing everything together. Going to the movies, "dinner" dates, richie helped Eddie with job applications, school projects.

Eddie had been promoted to write something to say in front of the school. it could be about anything. But it had to show how far hes come and who helped him through it.

he won't let richie help because it's more of a personal project. Richie understands completely.

And yes, richie was there on the first day with Eddie. and they have 3 out of 5 classes together which made richie want to pass out in excitement.

Kieran got out of jail and richie's parents got a restraining order. John, Diego, Javier, and Leo apologized and now sometimes talked to richie.

it was nice. Richie and Eddie were basically the schools power couple and they had a huge increase in popularity. not something richie was trying to get, and it was kinda annoying, but what can he do?

"Are you even listening to me?" Eddie asked turning to him in his seat. Richie blinked a few times and smiled. "Uhm, yea- uh, no no. what did you say?" he asked and rubbed his eyes. "You're adorable and need to sleep more." Eddie said and kissed his hand. "Kinda can't if you're keeping me up all night." Richie smirked.

"That's disgusting. you two have actually..." Ben asked and gave them a look. "No, ben. richie's being his normal horny asshole self." Eddie rolled his eyes. "Okay continue." Richie said to Eddie.

"Okay, so. my speech is tomorrow and I kinda really hope you'll be here when I say it." Eddie said nervously and bit his lip. "Why wouldn't I be?" Richie asked confused. "I dont know. sometimes you skip." Eddie shrugged. "I dont skip that much. do I?" Richie asked them all.

"You do." Beverly said. "You do too." Richie shot back. "Not as much as you." Beverly scoffed. "You do, bevvie." Ben said. Beverly looked at the others and they all nodded. "Fine. so what?" She sighed.

"Eddie j-just wants our sup-port." Bill shrugged. "And richie will be there. I'll make sure of it." Stan said grabbing Bill's hand. The two weren't necessarily dating, just.. figuring things out. Ben liked bev. simple as that. Bev liked Mike. Simple as that. Mike did too. Confusing as that.

"Well, Its kind of important to me so.. please be there." Eddie whispered to richie. "I promise I will." Richie said and kissed the tip of his nose. Eddie gave him a smile and grabbed Bill's hand, dragging him back into the school.

school was out already, but they all stayed after to hang at the tables outside. now they have to wait for Eddie and bill to work on the speech.

"You know what the speech is about right?" Mike asked. "No. Eddie wont tell me. says its personal." Richie shrugged. "You haven't put any thought into it?" Ben asked. "No. Why?" Richie asked.

"no reason. Guys, stop." Stan warned and they both shut up. "I guess it's kinda weird that he wants Bill to know." Richie said with an uneasy feeling. "Oh it's nothing bad. trust me. I know everything about your relationship. like when you two will break up and you wont even know." Bev said blankly. "When?" Richie asked with panic. "Never. Duh." she said and threw a pebble at him.

about half an hour of bickering, Bill and Eddie came back with smiles. "alright. all done. Come on rich. it's our movie night at my place." Eddie said holding out his hands. "Ooo, my favorite day!" Richie smiled and grabbed his hands. "We'll see you guys tomorrow." Eddie said politely.

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