Chapter 8

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"That was a sad happy emotional movie." Eddie said as the credits rolled in. "Yeah. I really need to learn spanish." Richie said.

richie was laying on the couch. one leg against the back and the other hanging off as Eddie laid between him.

"Mm, hand me some popcorn?" Eddie asked, peeking up at him. richie reached his hand down and grabbed a few from the bowl, sitting on the floor and dropped them in Eddie's mouth.

"Thanks Chee." Eddie whispered and turned back to the television to find another movie.

richie's face turned a light shade of pink and he turned to the TV too. "Hey, wanna play a game I used to play with my friends?" Eddie asked sitting up.

"Sure? What is it?" Richie smiled and sat up a bit too.

"So, one of us is blind folded, while the other makes crazy drinks. Either we play that and guess what's in it, or we guess what it is." Eddie explained and walked to richie's kitchen.

"well I'm not creative so.. we can guess what it is." Richie said following him.

ge was handed a blindfold, so he put it on as Eddie rummaged around. "Alright. First up! take a guess. Rule is, you get 2 sips." Eddie said and put something in richie's hand.

richie slowly brought it up to his lips, and slowly poured some in his mouth. "Ew, what is this? why is it even in my fridge?" Richie said and made a disgusted face, making Eddie laugh.

"uhm, I'm gonna guess... a weird soda?" Richie asked. "You can take the blindfold off now." Eddie chuckled.

Richie took it off and grabbed the bottle, reading it carefully and scrunching his nose. "You gave me expired juice?" Richie said looking at Eddie.

Eddie giggled and covered his mouth, which made richie's eyes dilate with pure love and affection. Eddie was really starting to grow on him.

Richie phone kept blowing up with notifications and he groaned as he pulled it out his pocket.

Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text
Bev sent you a text

Big Billiam sent you a text

My manz Mikey sent you a snap

richie skipped everyone and read the last text from Beverly which said, "fine if you wont pick up then at least check Oliver's new post!"

"You okay richie?" Eddie asked and sat next to him, watching as richie clicked on Oliver's new Instagram post.

richie froze suddenly and Eddie looked at the picture. Kieran was holding Oliver in his arms as he kissed down his neck. The caption said.

He said he needed a lover, so I played the role 💕 Love you Kier

Eddie took a breath, realizing what was going on and set richie's phone down from his hands.

"You okay?" Eddie asked again. Richie didn't say anything. he just sat in disbelief and sadness. But.. for some reason he was kind of happy to have him gone. It still hurt like a bitch though.

Suddenly, he grabbed his mom's extra car keys, Eddie's hand, and left the house after locking up.

"Where are we going?" Eddie asked quickly as he buckled into his seat.

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