Chapter 3

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Kieran: hey, can we talk now?

Richie read the message over about 3 times before clicking the call button. he preferred hearing people's voices, only because texting makes it harder to understand how they're feeling.

Kieran picked up quickly, and it was dead silent for a moment. neither of them wanted to say anything, just in case they said the wrong thing.

"What do I have to do to make you believe me?" Kieran finally said. his voice sounded strained, but richie didn't really care.

"I don't know, Kieran. It's kind of hard to trust people. I've been used all my life and when you left me too, it didn't help." Richie sighed.

"I know, richie, I know. but.. I'm sorry. truly. I know I cheated. I was drunk. and..." Kieran stopped. richie heard his sniffle and sigh. "I didn't mean it. I get pissed off and say things I don't mean. I really do like you."

richie played with the blanket under him and closed his eyes. "I haven't been okay these last couple months. I'm trying to find someone who wants to actually know me. That will want to learn everything about me, then see where things go. We rushed. We argued. You left."

more silence. richie was one for talking. but, silence was probably the best for now.

"I'm sorry. Can we at least.. be friends? I've liked you since you started liking me. I'm sorry I let you go. At least, let's be friends and see where things go." Kieran asked softly.

"Okay. This is your chance to prove yourself. I swear Kieran, I will leave you faster than you left me. Don't go breaking my heart again." Richie warned.

"Okay, I won't, I promise. So, you're on a dating site?" Kieran chuckled. "Yeah, I'm just looking for someone to talk to right now." Richie shrugged, he pushed the phone more against his ear and held it in place with his shoulder as he got under the covers.

"Any luck on it?" Kieran asked. "Kinda, I'm talking to someone now but.. yeah." Richie said. he didn't want to give him too much information. Really any at all.

"hey, want to hang out tomorrow after school?" Kieran asked. "Um.. I'm going to the football game with my friends.." richie lied. "they can come. I'll even get you guys in for free since I'm on the team!" Kieran said happily.

"No it's fine really. we might not even go." richie tried. "oh well then I'll come with you guys after the game or something." Kieran said again.

richie had to hold himself back from groaning and sighed instead. "We're kinda going somewhere private. Between us 6." Richie said.

"Oh, well I'll call you then."

is he really doing this right now? they just became friends. richie loved the kindness, but, he doesn't want his heart broken again, so.. he wants to slow down.

"that sounds.. good. Uhm. Call me then. okay?" Richie asked. "Yeah yeah okay. sounds good. bye richie." Kieran said. richie ignored that and ended the call.

he wasn't trying to be rude in anyway, just... nervous. He debated on going back and talking to Eddie, but didn't want to get annoying by not havinga life.

but he did anyway so, whoopy de doop.

Richie: you still on? :))

shit, was that weird?

Eddie: of course I'm on. Everything okay?

richie didn't know why, but he felt like he could actually trust eddie. maybe he should be himself when they talk...

Richie: since you're on, of course sweetheart

richie: wow that sounds creepy. sorry that's how I act in person. ya know, dick jokes, nicknames, ect.

eddie: wow I actually love that. you should be yourself. dont hide it

wow, is this kid serious? richie felt his chest burn and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

richie: will do buckaroo

richie: it's nice that you care.

eddie: yeah, I may not know you, but you're pretty awesome.

richie covered his mouth as he smiled, like he was trying to hide it. but from who exactly? he's home alone!

richie: wanna know what else is awesome?

eddie: dont make a dick joke dont make a dick joke dont make a dick joke

richie: your mom when she's in my bed ;))

eddie: richie!

richie: you love it darlin

eddie: ...

eddie: is typing

"shit shit shit shit shit" richie chanted to himself and he became eager. Maybe he should hide his true personality...

eddie: I do.

richie relaxed and smiled, his cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiling and laughing.

Eddie seemed.. different then anyone has ever been with. he was.. genuine. supportive. kind. so on and so on.

eddie: still there? come backkkk! I do. it's all cause of you

Richie: sorry I'm back :)

richie: is that a song from the 88!?

eddie: you listen to them!? omg i love you! that's literally my favorite song!

richie: mine too! well my 2nd but still!

richie: it could be our song... ¿

Nervousness built up inside richie as his message was marked read and Eddie started typing.

he'd never had a song with someone before. this would be the first. And.. having a song with someone is.. really special.

eddie: yes! it's our song then! omg this is amazing.

he really felt like he could open up to Eddie, felt like Eddie was someone true.

eddie: nobody else would do this with me :) like... ever. not that its come to it, but... ur rlly smthng. <3

eddie: I have to go, but.. tomorrows Saturday so.. if you wanna talk, I have no plans! And I'll get a notif cause this is on my phone.

richie: alrighty see ya, eds

richie closed his laptop and laid back. The rest of the night, he was.. happy. a smile on his face and his chest burning.

tonight was really something.

I think you should listen to

It's all because of you by the 88

it's at the top^ if ya wanna listen :D

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