Chapter 9

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They hadn't hung out much after that night with Kieran- richie and Eddie- but at least richie knew Eddie felt the same way.

It was one of those sappy "I like you too" moments that made richie's heart burst with pride.

He was the edgy one, but.. Eddie just so happen to turn him into a soft emo guy. It was like Eddie was saying "hey, you're soft now so suck it the fuck up and let me take your UwU's" without even knowing it.

Eddie did go back home, and they texted all the time. It had been a week since they had hung out and god, richie missed the boy.

He didn't really do much besides lay in bed and stare at his ceiling as millions of thoughts flooded his busy mind.

His parents were coming home the next day and he was kinda happy. He missed his parents, after not seeing them or even hearing from them in almost a month.

But he was kinda pissed that they didn't even call. He could be dead and they wouldn't know because they dont feel like checking up on their own son.

Their only son to be exact. There was a time richie was sick out of his mind! He was throwing up and sweating, even passed out a few times. He had tried calling his parents but they didn't pick up. Beverly and her mom ended up taking care of him for a few days. Richie even let her parents get all pissy about their parenting. He didn't disagree though. They were on a business trip, but they could at least pick up.

Richie was laying on his bed when he let out a long, dramatic, useless sigh and took his phone out.

Richie: I really can't stay

Eddie: what? lol

Richie: nooo, ur supposed to say "baby it's cold outside" but like.. in BiG lEtTeRs

Eddie: oh that vine? Sorry hun

richie half smiled and started typing quickly. It had been awhile since he brought up their song, so he decided to get it back on a roll.

Richie: I've been sinking through the drain of love..

Eddie: Awh! Ur gonna make me blush!

Richie: lift my eyes to see skies of up above

Eddie: Listen to me this is how I feel. since I knew you all my thoughts are real,,

richie smirked to himself. God, he loved this boy. And the song was so true to richie. It fit perfectly.

Richie: you're the only one I wanna do ;))

Eddie: ok I know it's the lyrics but you just made it dirty. Wow thanks trashmouth.

Richie: Its not a lie babycakes :D

Richie: shit I gotta go

richie shut his phone off as he heard something downstairs and he was quick to get up and grab the pocket knife under his mattress.

he tiptoed out his room and down the stairs but froze when he heard a window shut and footsteps come near the stairs he was at.

Richie held the knife close to his chest before spinning around and holding it up, just a few inches from the person's face.

"Woah woah woah! Put it down it's just me!" Kieran yelled and threw his hands up.

"What the hell?" Richie yelled and turned the light on. "What the fuck are you sneaking in my house for? get the fuck out!"

Kieran slowly grabbed Richie's hand which held the knife and set the blade on the counter.

"I just wanna talk-"

"Talk!? there's nothing to talk about. you need to leave." Richie said dead serious and reached for the knife again, but Kieran pushed it off the counter so it was farther away.

"Come on richie please. It's been a week! Let's talk." Kieran pleaded. "You just broke into my house. you need to go or I'm calling the police." Richie warned and gave him a death stare.

"you'd really do that to me?" Kieran asked and let his hands fall to his sides. "Richie, come on. Just hear me out."

Richie turned his head slightly to the side to show he didn't care and Kieran shut up. "I don't want to hear it Kieran. I told you to stay away. I'm happy without you. It was hell with you. You have Oliver and seem happy to. So.." he began and took a step forward. "I need you to leave my house. Or I will call the police and get a restraining order. Got it?" Richie said and let his finger jab into Kieran's chest when he was close enough.

Kieran closed his eyes and let out a shaky sigh. "I'm still going to see you at school. What are people going to say now, hm? They already have been talking about us." he said.

richie let out a chuckle. "Yeah. Talking about how they know you cheated. and how sorry they feel for me, and how they think it's horrible you didn't even tell Oliver. Now, think about it. I call the police, it's on the news. other students see it. You're still the bad guy, but much worse. You get kicked off the football team for it. People stoo trusting you. And you look like shit. Now get the fuck out." Richie hissed.

That's when Kieran decided to leave. He was going to try and convince richie to get back with him when he breaks up with Oliver, yet he was never going to break up with him. He thought richie was stupid or something?

Richie was done with his shit. He wasn't going to let him break in and get away with it. He has cameras outside his house. Stupid bitch.

Richie locked the door behind Kieran, and all the windows. then he picked up his pocket knife, closed it, and went back to his room.

He flopped on his bed and thought of how to get back at Kieran. All those things probably would come true if he  called the police and the news spread. He deserves it though.

throught the week he'd sent text messages to richie calling him a dumb whore and shit like that. He took screenshots and stuff just in case.

So Kieran was taking his anger out by bullying richie? Yeah, not gonna happen. His bullying didn't effect richie in any sort of way. All his ex's were stupid assholes. or, he didn't even talk to.

That's when he got an idea. Kieran wants fire, he'll get cold solid ice.

eddie: back yet? you okay love?

richie: yup, my lifes just on the edge of perfect revenge


hey so like.. crazy shit will go down. Don't get mad at richie, I mean.. you can but Kieran deserves the shit he's going to get.

Like I said, Kieran can be a sweetheart at times. but now is not the time

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