Chapter 6

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richie woke up with Kieran's arm around his waist and the blanket hanging off the bed. he didn't remember falling asleep, but, he was tired.

He reached his arm over to his desk and grabbed his phone, opening the message he got from Eddie earlier.

eddie: you smoke?
4:53 AM

richie: yeah.. is that bad?

eddie: I'm supposed to say yes, but honestly, no¿ did I wake you or something?

richie: no no lol I just woke up. kinda fell asleep so.. yeah

eddie: so... uhm, can I talk to you... it's kinda important to me..

richie scrunched his eyebrows together and quickly typed a "yeah sure" then waited for an answer.

eddie: so.. I know we started talking only 5 to 6 days ago. and I'm kinda really happy that we did....

richie read over it slowly and jumped slightly when his phone started ringing.

he clicked answer and sighed. "Hey rich you busy!?" Beverly asked. "Not at the moment, why?" richie asked.

"Shut the fuck up! Stan! Stop trying to kill Ben!" Beverly screamed. Richie squeezed his eyes shut at how loud she was and Kieran shuffled awake, giving him a small smile.

"Okay, we wanna know if you wanna go roller skating later? Like.. in 20 minutes or something. You could bring your boyfriend and stuff. Apparently Bill's bringing a friend." Beverly finally said.

richie pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. "I'll see you guys there. Uhm, who's bill bringing?" he asked.

"Not sure I didn't ask. Shit, I gotta go before someone dies. see you there." she said and hung up.

richie huffed and quickly text Eddie back.

richie: hey I gotta go but.. I'll be back later tonight. Sorry, what did you want to say?

Eddie: ... nothing. it's not important. never mind.

richie turned his phone off and smiled at Kieran when he heard him chuckle.

"You good? Seem a little stressed." Kieran said. "Aren't we all. Bev wants us to go roller skating with them in 15 minutes." richie sighed and grabbed his hands.

Kieran nodded and started to change. richie let him wear some of his clothes since he didn't bring any. not knowing he'd be spending the night.

Kieran even helped richie fix his wild curls, and richie did the same, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek afterwards.

they headed out. they decided to stop and get breakfast first, since they hadn't eaten yet.

After getting coffee and something small to eat, they sat down in a seat by the window.

"Are we really that cute together?" Richie chuckled. the lady at the register had asked if they were dating and was in complete awh when they said yes. "I guess so. It's probably because you stand out." Kieran smirked at him.

"Oh stop, I am not good looking." Richie said looking at his hands. "Yes you are. You're really handsome." Kieran said.

richie hated this. he was supposed to be the dominant one, and he usually was in every relationship. Kieran made him feel soft. he liked Kieran, but he doesn't like being the smaller one.

they were the same height, same age, and had good personalities. Both were the same in a way, but richie liked power.

"So who's Bill bringing?" Kieran asked before taking a long sip of his coffee. "I.. don't know actually. none of us do because he left before saying who. so.. surprise it is." Richie smiled.

"Oooh. I like surprises." Kieran smiled.

they ended up leaving and heading to the roller rink, searching for richie's friends.

"Rich!" Ben called. richie looked to his right and spotted his friends. he grabbed Kieran's hand and pulled him to them quickly. "Hey guys, is bill here yet?" Richie asked.

"No not yet. he texted me and said to get skates though." Stan said looking at his phone. "Okay uhm, I'm going to go get my skates and I'll meet you over there." Kieran said and walked to the bigger shoe sizes.

richie's feet were just a tad bit smaller than his, so he followed Beverly and Stan to where he needed to go.

Beverly kept giving Stan a weird look and richie started to worry. "what's wrong?" he asked sitting up from tieing his laces.

"Bill said he had something to show us when he got here. and he doesn't know how we'll react. he doesn't know how you'll react." Beverly said turning to richie.

"Why me?" Richie asked and they shrugged. "whatever. it's fine. he'll be here in like 5 minutes." Stan said and skated into the rink.

Richie skated around and helped Kieran when he fell, which was a lot. "Have you never done this before?" Richie laughed as he held onto his arm.

"Only a few times. it was years ago! How many times do you skate?" Kieran chuckled. "I come here all the time with Mike and Beverly." Richie shrugged.

"Hey, do you guys have money for a churro?" Ben asked skating by the two. "No why?" Richie asked. "Beverly loves them and Mike won't buy her one, so I want to. But.. I don't want to use my money." Ben replied like it was nothing. "Wow okay, how clever haystack." Richie rolled his eyes.

"Here, take a 10 and get her some stuff. spoil her or something." Kieran said and pulled money out his pocket. Ben gladly took it and they all turned when Mike called out to them.

"Bill's here!"

they all slowly and carefully skated over and sat down at one of the tables in the carpeted area.

"Hey Bill." Stan waved. "Hey guys. So, he's coming, he just had to get his phone. Now, we've all heard of him and stuff, and I've been his friend for awhile now. Richie, don't kill me." Bill said.

before he could question Bill, the door opened behind him and they all looked in the direction to see the one and only...

Eddie Kaspbrak

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