Chapter Seven

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The next morning the alpha along with Paul came down to the basement, Ara still hadn't slept a wink too afraid that they would harm her in her sleep or worse. By the time they make it down to Ara, she's practically falling asleep too weak to keep her eyes open anymore.

The Alpha chuckles to himself and looks to Paul who hands him a bucket of cold water, he takes the bucket from him and tosses the water at Ara causing her to scream and flail about. She wipes her face moving her matted hair out of her face and glares to Paul and the Alpha.

"Are you ready to begin your chores slave?"

He arched a brow in her direction as he waited for her response. Ara glared at him and spit straight at his face earning herself a growl from the Alpha.

Before she could react the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed through the dimly lit room as the back of the Alpha's hand connected with her jaw sending her head flying to the side with a hard snap.

She placed her hand to her jaw as the pain shot through her body making her ears ring, she eyed him again, the glare and defiance never leaving her face.

"Leave her to starve for another day, no water either. She wants to keep this up, that is fine by me. She will beg for my mercy soon enough."

Turning on his heels, the alpha stomped away leaving Paul alone in the room with her.

"If you want to live, I suggest you start learning how to respect your new alpha otherwise you might find yourself at his mercy and I can tell you this much, he has none and you will die if you keep this up..."

Not allowing her to get a word in, he walked off slamming the door shut behind him and locking it back up once more leaving Ara to her dark solace. She dropped to her knees, wrapping her arms around her body as tears began to spill down staining her cheeks as the tears washed the dirt from her face where they trailed.

She would rather die than to submit to that man and allow him to be her alpha, crawling over to her spot in the corner against the wall she curled up and hugged herself against the cold hard ground, tears still spilling over as she tried to let sleep consume her, anything to keep her from feeling the hunger.

Alec made his way out of the cabin and headed into the forest to his and Ara's usual meeting spot and once again, he found their place to be empty of all signs that she had been there.

Sighing he shook his head and sat down, resting his back against one of the boulders closest to the edge of the water and looked up at the sky.

"Where are you?"

He thought out loud as he wondered just where Ara could be and why hadn't she come to see him like she promised she would. Something wasn't sitting well with him but couldn't quite figure out what it was; standing to his feet he headed back to the cabin, passing by his father who had an angry expression plastered on his gruff features.

"What's the matter?"

He looked to his father with a questioning glance. The alpha looked to Alec and shook his head running his hand through his salt and pepper colored beard.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong. Did you just come in?"

Alec nodded his head. "I went for a short run, wasn't quite feeling it today. Is lunch almost ready?"

The alpha nodded his head motioning for him to check on the women in the kitchen. Alec nodded his head and went towards the kitchen to check on the meal.

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