Chapter Twenty-One

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Dahlia had come up with small bottles of some type of herbs that would help Ara mask the scent of her pregnancy from the others and the Alpha. The only ones who knew of the pregnancy were Dahlia herself, Alec and Ara.

No one else had suspected otherwise which had been a blessing in disguise.

Three had been planning Ara and Alec's escape for the past few weeks timing each movement of the members and studying how silent they could and would have to be to leave during the night when it was safest.

Night time gave the most coverage and allowed them a decent head start, it would take till dawn for anyone to realize that something wasn't right and that is when the hunt for the two runaway lovers would start.

"We leave in a fortnight."

Alec said between small kisses, his hands smoothing over Ara's hair. She breathed in his scent and nodded her head, a hand resting against the one placed against her cheek.

"A fortnight..." She mumbled against his soft lips.

They would finally be leaving this place once and for all. It had taken too much time for Alec to finally make up his mind and decide he would rather choose her than to stick around the irrationality of his father and his biddings.

It had taken this unplanned pregnancy for him to realize that everything going on around him was not something that should be taken place between family members who shared the same blood.

The time to escape was well on its way, just a few more days to come and soon they would find themselves free at last, free to do whatever their hearts pleased. Ara and Alec would finally be together, alone at last and no one could tell them otherwise.

The two made sure to keep up appearances, Ara did her duties as she usually did. Alec had managed to force himself to stay away from her for the time being, he didn't want to risk anything and jeopardizing their escape.

No, everything had to go according to plan otherwise they would never get another chance.

Dahlia was glad the simple herbs and oil she had made for Ara were working like a charm; no one in the cabin could tell that there was indeed a change in her all the others could smell was lavender, cloves and a hint of cinnamon; three of Dahlia's favorite scents.

She had Ara rub the oil on herself three times a day just to be on the safe side. It lingered for long periods of time, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Alec and Ara lay side by side in the cave, a small fire beside them to keep them warm. Alec rolled onto his side propped up on his elbow while his free hand ran along her belly and making small intricate circles against her soft skin.

Ara smiled letting her eyes flutter closed as she enjoyed the feel of his touch. The small intimate touch sending shivers through her body, opening her eyes she turned her head to look at him enjoying the view before her as he admired her.

"I love you..." She said softly.

Alec moved his gaze from her belly to her face, his eyes locking with hers, a smile forming on his lips. "I love you, too."

Ara smiled and pulled him towards her as she pressed her lips to his softly; "so much, Alec..."

He nodded his head against her lips, his free hand now wrapped around her waist to pull her closer to him as he positioned himself between her thighs making sure to keep the brunt of his weight off of her.

She looked up at him and moved comfortably against him, she leaned her head up and kissed him once more, her small arms wrapping around his frame as to pull him even closer.

He groaned against her lips as his growing erection pressed against her.

"Are you sure it's okay?" He asked worriedly as if doing such an act would hurt the child.

Ara chuckled softly and nodded her head. "It's fine, Alec, you won't hurt me or the baby."

He looked at her unconvinced the worry still seen clearly on his features. Ara's lips dropped at the corners,

"Please, Alec... I want to feel you inside of me again... I need to feel whole again."

He nodded his head easing himself against her as he began to trail soft kisses along her jaw and down her neck and collarbone and back up to her lips.

"Okay, I will never deny you anything, Ara. Never ever..."

After another small moment of hesitation, he slowly slid himself inside of her, the pleasure filled cry left her lips the moment he entered her. The sound like music to his ears as each one escaped leaving him only wanting more.

They knew they couldn't be caught together but it was far too hard to bear the thought of being apart for any longer and thus, they had snuck away to be alone together in the cave where they made love one last time before they would prepare themselves for the great escape.

The sun was beginning to set on the horizon which meant that they needed to leave the cave before anyone realized they were both gone.

They begrudgingly put their clothes back on and headed back to the cabin making sure to coat each other in the scents that Dahlia had given them, more Ara than Alec. He decided to stay back and roll around in the snow and hunt for some wild animal to coat himself in the smell of game.

Ara was left to head back on her own but not after making sure it was safe enough for her to go the rest of the way. Alec made sure to follow as far as possible without being seen or smelled.

Dahlia had just been about to prepare dinner when Ara arrived back at the cabin.

"Sorry, I took so long. What are you preparing?" Ara asked as she grabbed herself a knife to start helping out.

"It's alright. Stewed rabbit. You can start on the veggies while I start on the meat."

Ara nodded her head and began just that, humming to herself as she chopped the vegetables and tossing them into a large basin to hold them together before tossing them into the large pot that was hanging over the fireplace.

"What were you two doing that it took you so long to come back?"

Dahlia asked as she passed by Ara with a couple of skinned rabbits and tossing them down on the counter as she began to cut them. Ara turned to look at Dahlia, her cheeks flushing brightly.

"Oh... Nothing, we just lost track of time..." She said in a hushed tone, embarrassment clearly written on her face.

Dahlia chuckled softly and shook her head. "Are you trying to make another child while the one is still in your womb?"

She looked at her with an arched brow, the tone of her voice playful. Ara laughed nervously and shook her head.

"No! It's just so hard to keep our hands off of one another it's like every time he and I are together, our bond just cannot get enough of it. It always needs and wants more."

She bit down on her bottom lip, her cheeks flushing yet again as Dahlia laughed.

"Don't worry dear, I shall save you the rest of your embarrassment and tell you I need no more details."

Ara gave a relaxed sigh and shook her head playfully smacking Dahlia on the arm. "Oh, you are so bad to me!"

She giggled and went back to cutting the veggies and tossing them into the basin.

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