First Meeting

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I was waiting outside the library for my brother as he finished his shift so we can go home. I didn't work there I actually worked at a convenience store on the other side. Anyway as I was waiting a man passed by me and as he tried to put his wallet in his back pocket he dropped it. Since he didn't notice I pick it up and rush up to catch him.

"Excuse me, sir!" I call out and he turns to face me and looked confused. "Sorry but you dropped your wallet." I say handing it to him "oh so I did heh. Thanks Ms.." he trailed off "l/n. Y/n l/n" I say and he nods "well thank you. I don't have much money but I hate to lose what I just got." I nod in understanding "well I should let you be on your way Mr.." I trail off and he laughs "Matsuno Osomatsu." He introduces as his finger rubbed the underside of his nose. I bow quickly and smile.

"Nice meeting you Osomatsu."

I was walking down the streets really pissed off. My so called friend stole my boyfriend and had the gull to say it was my fault for not giving him enough attention. Anyway I was rightfully angry but when I walked down the street I noticed a man. He wore a leather jacket over a white T-shirt with skinny blue jeans and simple brown ankle boots. He also had these dark tinted sunglasses over his eyes.

What stood out the most was that he held a 'Free Hugs' sign. I thought it was kinda cute, but kind of redundant since he wrote it in english. He glanced my way and I guess I still looked angry because he flinched. "You okay miss?" He asks pushing his sunglasses onto his head. "If you call losing your boyfriend to your best friend alright then I'm just overjoyed." I say and he looked surprised but concerned.

He placed his sign down and walked over to me. He opens his arms and simply asks

"Do you need a hug?"

I blush but nod so he wraps his arms around me. I hug back and was shocked at how comfortable and warm the hug was when I barely knew this man. I almost cried at the simple comfort. He patted my back "what's your name miss?" He asks "y/n l/n" I respond quietly and he pulls away to show his calming smile.

"I'm Karamatsu Matsuno."

I work at a "anime" merchandise store but honestly we sell more then anime related stuff. Now I was actually on my day off but I was in the store because there was this new manga out and I needed it.

When I found it I reached to grab it only for my hand to bump someone else's. Surprised, I turn to see a man my age who blushed and pulls his hand back. "S-Sorry." He stutters and I smile "oh it's fine." I say grabbing one while he grabs another copy. After looking at it for a bit I noticed the man look at the price on the back and then sigh. He put it back and I asked why.

"I don't have enough for it. I'll buy it a different time." He says and I felt bad. Not to mention that new mangas are bought so quickly that if he didn't buy one now he'd miss out. So I grabbed the second copy and got the man's attention. "I'll pay for it." He turns to me "oh no no it's okay. You don't have to waste your money." He says following me to the register. "It's fine. I work here so I'll just use my discount." I say placing the books on the counter. "But you don't even know me." He says and I hum "alright what's your name?" I ask "Choromatsu Matsuno?" He says in a questioning tone.

"Well, Choromatsu. I'm y/n l/n, now we know each other."

"Misty! Misty! Where are you?!" I shout out for my cat. I've been walking up and down the streets looking for my troublesome cat. I then heard a lot of small meows coming from an alley. I walk down the alleyway where I found a bunch of cats surrounding a man in a purple hoodie and sweatpants. He had rugged hair and lidded eyes but he seemed happy around the cats.

Just as I was about to say something he noticed me. He seemed to flinch at my presence. "Sorry if I startled you. I was looking for my cat. Have you possibly seen her?" I ask. He cleared his throat "what does she look like?" He asks in a low almost tired voice. I smile "She is a small munchkin cat with mostly white fur but a slight brownish tint. Oh and she has these light brown eyes." I say before taking my phone and showed a picture.

He got a face of recognition and reached into his hoodie pocket

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He got a face of recognition and reached into his hoodie pocket. He gently pulled out my cat. I immediately grab her, hugging her to my chest and kissing her tiny forehead. "Thank you. Thank you." I say sitting on my knees and placing my cat down but kept my eyes on her. "I'm y/n l/n" I say extending my hand and he hesitantly shook my hand

"Ichimatsu Matsuno."

I was jogging through the park like usual when I saw the baseball diamond. I loved the sport but I didn't get to play as much because of work. I work in a large business company that took a lot of work so I didn't have time to play baseball anymore.

But then my eyes went to a man in a yellow baseball uniform and cap. He was just swinging his bat and counting loudly. It made me stop and smile. I decided to walk over and watch him. I noticed how strong his swings were.

I didn't have work today and it's
not like I have to worry about a curfew so.

"Hey you play?" I ask simply and he stopped in his tracks and turned on his heel to look at me. He tilts his head "Uh baseball I mean. Do you play baseball?" I ask again figuring my question confused him. He smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen and nods "I love it!" He says in a very loud enthusiastic voice. I smile as his loud voice didn't phase me.

"I was just about to play! Do you want to join miss?" He says and I smile "y/n l/n. And sure I love the sport." I say and I swear his smile got bigger "Alright! Oh I'm Jyushimatsu Matsuno!" I smile and nod "Nice to meet you. Now let's play!" I say excited to have some fun.

I was taking a nice walk with my boyfriend and it was a beautiful day. That all changed when he pulled me aside and broke it off with me. I begged for him to give me another chance or at least, if he was serious, to give a reason to why. He gave no answer to my pleads and walked away.

Oh and about that beautiful day. It started to rain and I was soaked by the time I made it into shelter. It was a small coffee shop but I didn't care. "Welcome to Sutabaa. Oh my gosh are you okay?!" A lady behind the counter asks and sniff from being cold and heartbroken. I walked to the counter to see her name tag read Aida. "Not really." I glance at the menu "Can I just have a hot chocolate to go." She nods and smiles softly "that'll 1.50" I nod and hand her the exact money and go to sit down.

I saw her walk over to another girl and a guy, who seemed to be my age, talking as she worked. I tuned them out not wanting to ease drop but I saw the guy glance my way concerned. I flinched at the eye contact and rested my head onto my folded arms, trying not to cry again.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and shot up a little startled. I saw it was a guy and by the name tag his name was Todomatsu. "Hey I thought I'd bring it to you. You okay?" He asks and I wipe my eyes "I..Don't want to talk about it. Sorry." I say between hiccups and he looked at me with a softened face. "That's okay. I don't expect you to but you look like a wreck." He says bluntly and I looked at him surprised but laugh. "Yeah, I guess I do...I'm y/n l/n." I say taking my cup from him "well I'm Todomatsu Matsuno. I hope you feel better." He says before walking away as I smile as I say to myself

"He seems nice."

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