Osomatsu Dare: he has 1 minute to get you to kiss his cheek without using words. (it's actually pretty easy) I was sitting in the Matsuno's living room eating orange slices when my boyfriend came in and sat next to me followed by Karamatsu who sat across from us. Osomatsu tapped my shoulder and I turn to look at him. He kissed my cheek and I smile. "What was that for?" I ask and he hummed pointing to his cheek. I raise an eyebrow and look at Karamatsu ,who has a smirk, and he shrugs.
I glance back at Osomatsu and snicker. "Do you want me to kiss your cheek hon?" I ask and he hummed. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. "You could have asked." I say and Osomatsu laughs "well I couldn't. it was apart of the dare. And since I did it, it's your turn Karamatsu." He says and Karamatsu had a tight nervous smile.
Karamatsu Dare: he has to ignore you for a whole hour. I had texted Karamatsu, like always, as I left work but I didn't get a reply. He had read it but didn't reply. Of course I was concerned so I text him asking if he was okay. Again read it but no reply. Now I was worried I did something wrong so I asked. Same thing again. So I made my way to his home. I knock on the door and Karamatsu answered but walked away. I entered his house and follow him. "Kara. Why are you ignoring me? Did I make you upset? Did I do something wrong?" He didn't answer he just sat down at the living room table where both Osomatsu and Choromatsu were. I sat down next to him laying my hand on his shoulder.
"Are you mad at me?" He seemed to tense up but didn't say anything. He gulped nervously and I was confused. "Karamatsu if you don't tell me what's wrong I'm leaving." I say hesitantly and he seemed to tense up again. I sighed when he didn't say anything but before I stood up Osomatsu spoke "okay that's a hour. You can speak to her now." I was confused as Karamatsu let out a shaky sigh of relief before pouncing on me, hugging me. "I am truly sorry my love! I will never ignore you again! It was a stupid dare and I did not mean to make you so upset!" He exclaimed before kissing deeply. I smile and hug him tightly "it's okay you just scared me."
Choromatsu Dare: he has to imitate you for 5 minutes. I was sitting on the couch bored when Choromatsu came in and sat next to me reading so I didn't want to bother him. I sighed out of boredom and heard Choromatsu sigh as well. I hummed slightly and he did as well. I glance at him and he just kept reading. I smirked and leaned back against the couch and sure enough he did too. I crossed my legs and he did too. So he's copying me..well that's fun. So this went on where I did something and he would copy till I had enough. I took his book and sat on his lap. "Soo you're copying me? Why?" I ask and he blushed "I-It was a s-stupid dare...and the 5 minutes should be over by now. Sorry." I snicker and kiss his forehead. "Don't be. It was kinda funny. Who gave the dare?" I ask and he groans "Karamatsu. But now I have to dare Ichimatsu." He says nervously "oh dear..maybe don't choose an embarrassing dare." I say and he nods.
Ichimatsu Dare: act like a cat in front of you I was at my home tending to Misty when I had gotten a call from Osomatsu. He told me to come over and even though he didn't give a reason why I made my way over. I was thinking about visiting anyway. When I knocked on the door jyushimatsu answered. "Hi y/n! Happy to see you again!" I nod and he let me in. I went to the living room and when I open the door I saw Ichimatsu, with his cat ears and tail out, glaring at Choromatsu. "What did I miss?" I ask and Ichimatsu blushed lightly before walking over to me. He hugged me and nuzzled his cheek against mine.
I was caught off guard by the action. It's not like I wasn't use to it as he did that whenever we would cuddle but this felt out of nowhere. I pull away to look at him "Are you okay honey?" I ask and he blushed before leaning forward licking the tip of my nose and nuzzling his nose on mine. Now I was blushing and glanced at Choromatsu. "Is he okay?" Choromatsu nods "my brothers and I are doing these dares...and I had to dare him." He says and Ichimatsu moves to hug my side, wrapping his tail around my waist. "And just what did you dare...you dared him to act like a cat seriously." I say and Choromatsu nods. "Well..I guess it could be worse." I say petting my boyfriend's head.
Jyushimatsu Dare: kiss you for 10 minutes I was having a relatively boring day at home until jyushimatsu knocked on my door with an idea. When I let him in I was not expecting what he said. "Me and my brothers are doing these dares and now it's my turn! I was dared to kiss you for 10 minutes! Is that okay?" He asked and I was confused. "What? That's silly...but pretty harmless..sure." I say and he smiles.
I got my phone and went to the timer. "10 minutes right?" I ask and he nods sitting down on my couch. I set the timer and start it as soon as I kissed him. I moved to sit on his lap halfway through and wrapped my legs around his waist. He smiled into the kiss and he leaned forward pushing me to the couch. Just as I felt him lick my bottom lip I heard the timer go off. I groaned and reach for my phone, silence the timer and toss it away. After that was done I pull jyushimatsu back down into a heated kiss. A harmless dare lead to a very pleasant make out session, I'd have to thank the brothers later.
Todomatsu Dare: send a flirty selfie to you I was at home when my phone chimed. Of course I answered and saw it was a text from Todomatsu. I opened the message and saw it was a photo.
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Honestly he looked cute but the photo made me blush a bit because it came out of nowhere. I text him asking why he sent it. He asked if I liked the photo so I told him I thought it was cute but I was confused why he sent it. He said he sent it as a dare but was happy I liked it though. (I ran out of ideas for Todomatsu. sorry)