First kiss/ "I love you"

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I was at Osomatsu's house watching tv. I was sitting up against him on his lap as he had his arms around me. I pouted when something bad happened in the show and heard Osomatsu chuckle. I glance up at him "What's so funny?" I ask and he smiles "you pout whenever something bad happens." He says and smirks "it's really cute." He says poking my nose. I turn around to face him. I pout playfully

"it's not that cute." I mutter and he laughs "oh yes it is. I'm mean you'll always be cute, it's one of the many reasons I love you." I blush and smack his chest. "Don't say that out of the blue like that!" I whine and he smiles holding my hands to stop me from smacking him. He smirked softly and nudged my nose with his before kissing me. I melted into the kiss, kissing him back. He pulls away and kissed my forehead. "I love you y/n." He says softly and I blushed softly "I l-love you too." I say burying my face into his shoulder.

I ran into my bedroom and went under my bed covering my mouth as I heard him approach. I felt my breath hitch when he walked to my bed. I watch him go to the other side of the room and it was silent. I thought I was safe until I felt hands around my ankles and I was pulled out from under my bed. I let a squeal as Karamatsu laughed "told you I would find you." He says as he flips me over and sat on my stomach.

He smirked and I whine "no please don't." He reaches his hands to my sides and tickled me. I squealed loudly and laughed out loud. "No~ P-Please I c-can't t-tak-Ha!~" I plead for my boyfriend to stop. He just smiled and leaned his face closer "what are you going to do to stop me honey?" He asks teasingly and I got an idea. His face was rather close to mine so. I leaned up and kissed him softly. I felt him tense up but I also felt him relax into it. He moved one hand up to caress my cheek before pulling away. "I love you Karamatsu." I say "and I love you my dear." He says kissing me softly.

Choromatsu had told me to stop by his house because he had a surprise for me. So after work I made my way over. I knock on the door and Osomatsu answers. "Oh hey, he said you'd be over. Here follow me." He says and lead me to the living room where the brothers were. Choromatsu looked up and brightened up when seeing me. He got up and hugged me

"hold on." He says before pulling a bag out of the closet and handing it to me. "Aw Choromatsu you didn't have to buy me something." I say and he smiles "well I know but I figured this could repay you for the times you paid for me." He says and I nod. When I open the bag I saw a dvd for one of my favorite anime shows that I was thinking of buying. I was overjoyed and tackle hugged my boyfriend, who had to balance himself to not fall. "Thank you." I say holding his face and kissing his face before kissing him on the lips. The kiss lingered a bit before I pull away. "I love you so much Choromatsu!" I squealed and he blushed. "I..I l-love you t-too."

I had my boyfriend over to play with Misty again. It was so cute watching him play with my little fur baby. I sat on the floor beside him as he picks up Misty. He held her in front of his face and she licked his nose. I giggle at the cuteness and Ichimatsu looked at me. He blushed for a second and glanced away. Then he set Misty on his lap."Y/n can you come closer?"He asks and I scoot over a bit

"C-Closer." He says so I move till our shoulders brush together. He turned to glance at me again before holding my face. "C-Can you close your eyes?" He asks and I smile softly, closing my eyes. I peeked a bit and saw him shyly inching to kiss me. So I leaned forward to close the gap. I heard him let out a surprise noise but he seemed to relax rather quickly. I reached my hands up to his hair and felt cat ears? So I pull away to see Ichimatsu with cat ears protruding from his head along with a cat tail. He seemed embarrassed but I liked them. "I love you Ichi~" I cooed and he blushed saying a quiet
" you too"

It was a normal day for me. After work I went to my home, got changed, and ran to the park to my boyfriend. He made it a part of my routine to go to the park with him and either play baseball or run around together. Today we played baseball. I had a little surprise for him as well.

"Jyushimatsu, if you hit a home run I have a surprise for you." I say and he tilts his head "What kind of surprise?" He asks and I smirk "hit a home run and you'll find out honey!" I shout and he smiles widely. "Okay!" He says and got in position as I wound up the pitch. I threw the ball and I wasn't really surprised when jyushimatsu hit it out of the park but he was happy like always.

He ran over and I smiled. "Good job. Now close your eyes." I say and he nods closing his eyes. I held his face in my hands and smile as his usual open mouth smile closed. I leaned in and kissed him. He stiffened a bit but kissed me back. I smiled as he pulled away opening his eyes again. "I liked your surprise y/n." He said softly "I love you." I was surprised at how soft he made his voice but smiled "well thank you. I liked it too. I love you too my Jyushimatsu."

I was working my shift at the local bakery when I saw my boyfriend walk in. "Hello. What brings you here?" I ask and he smiles "what I can't visit my girlfriend?" He says with a grin. I rolled my eyes "I never said that. Why are you here though?" I ask again

"Well I just wanted to see how you were doing and to give you something." He says tilting his head "you are lucky it's not a busy day. What is it?" I ask leaning forward on the counter. He leaned forward as well but he kissed me. I gave a small squeak of surprise but kissed him back before eventually pulling away. He had a smug grin while I roll my eyes

"okay okay. I love you but you can't just come to my work and kiss me." I say and he smiles "well I love you too and yes I can." He says before kissing my cheek and leaving "I'll see you after you get off work." He says before he left. I laugh to myself and got back to work.

What a silly man.

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