When he's scared

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I was at my boyfriend's house unbeknownst to him since he wasn't home. I wanted to surprise him but as I was talking to his brothers Jyushimatsu gave an idea. "You should try to scare Osomatsu-niisan!" Now I don't usually scare people as I'm not a scary person but I've also never seen my boyfriend when he's scared so..before he entered the room I hid in the closet.

I tried to stay silent as he greeted his brothers. "Hey guys. Is one of your girlfriends over?" He asks "why do you ask brother?" Karamatsu asks glancing towards the closet. "I saw an extra pair of shoes. So I just figured because if it was y/n she'd text me or something." That was when I decided to jump out with a shout and he screamed falling back. I laughed "are you okay?" I say in between laughs. He sat up and pouted with a small blush. "Yeah I'm fine." I smirk "Aw did I damage your pride?~" I tease and he stood up with his arms crossed "y/n." I smirk and ran off. "Get back here!"

I was in the backyard of the matsuno house with Karamatsu when I noticed something. I walked over to what I saw and saw it was a garden snake. I was in awe because I liked snakes so I called Karamatsu over. "Karamatsu! Honey come over here and see this!" I shout and he walked over as I gently pick up the reptile.

"Yes what is it?" He asks and I turn around holding the small creature and he visibly froze but I didn't notice. "Look I found a garden snake. Isn't it cool?" I ask and he smiled shakily "w-well my dear, d-don't y-you think y-you should put i-it down." He stutters and I noticed he was shaking. "Honey..are you scared of snakes?" I ask and he shook his head "n-no of course no-get that thing away from me!" He shouts stepping back as I step forward. I smirk "oh come on~ it's just a harmless garden snake~" I say walking closer "honey I love you but I do not care. Those things are creepy! I will not touch it!" He shouts running into the house but I chase after him.

"Running into your house won't save you!"

I'm not phased by scary movies or anime anymore and that's what I have in common with Ichimatsu but not Choromatsu unfortunately. So I was excited to watch Child's Play with Ichimatsu but Choromatsu said he wanted to join. I asked him over and over if he was sure he wanted to and he assured me he could handle it.

Yeah he got scared at the first jump scare but tired to play it cool. I knew him better than that though so I paused the movie ,much to Ichimatsu's dismay, and pull Choromatsu into the other room. "Choromatsu go upstairs and I'll get you when the movie is over. I don't want you to be scarred. After the movie ends we can do something together you like." I say kissing his cheek. "Hm..y-yeah okay." He says and I lead him upstairs before returning to finish the movie.

I was dog sitting for my friend and I hadn't told Ichimatsu yet. I didn't think it was that big of a deal though. Anyway Ichimatsu was visiting my place yet again and I left him with Misty as I went to fix my hair. Then I heard a scream mixed with a cat's yowl. I run out of my room to see Ichimatsu on top of my couch with his cat ears and tail out looking down at my friends dog.

I was confused to say the least and walk over. "Um Ichi? You alright?" I ask and he nods "yeah..I just didn't know you had a d-dog here." He says and it clicked "oh you were scared by Kimi? I'm sorry I meant to tell you." I say taking the small dog and placing her in my room for now. I walk back into the living room to see Ichimatsu sitting on the couch petting Misty with his cat ears and tail gone. I walk over and sit by him, petting his head "Sorry for not telling you about Kimi." I say kissing his temple. "Hm. It's okay."

Jyushimatsu and I were confined to indoors because of a rainstorm. Which was fine because jyushimatsu and I just watched movies and cuddle until the storm passed. But then thunder crashed outside. Jyushimatsu jumped slightly and turned to look out the window. I didn't think anything of it till thunder struck again. He yelped and went under the blankets.

I was pretty concerned. I pull the blanket up and he was covering his ears with his eyes shut tight. I reached my hand out and tilted his head up to look at me. I pat his cheek and he opens his eyes. "Honey. Are you afraid of the thunder?" I ask and he nods yelping as thunder struck again. I pulled him up onto my lap and hugged him tight. He hugged me with all he had. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I didn't say anything I just sat there rubbing his back and whispering words of comfort. He snuggled his face into my shoulder trying to block out the noise.

It was a normal day where Todomatsu was visiting. He was currently in the bathroom while I was choosing a show to watch. Then the power went out. What followed was a scream. So I made my way to the source, I knew who it was. "Todomatsu? Where are you?" I call out and felt a hand reach out grabbing my arm. I flinched a bit but calmed down hearing Todomatsu's voice.

"W-What happened?" He asks obviously scared "The power went out. Don't worry they'll fix it soon. Come on." I say carefully leading him to my room and carefully get on my bed. Todomatsu immediately curled up to me and I smile. "I didn't think you were afraid of the dark." I say and he chuckled shyly "y-yeah..sorry." I snicker "don't be. It's not you're fault you're afraid of the dark." I say kissing his cheek. So until the power came back I comfort him by just talking to him and letting him hold me.

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