I was walking around town when I saw my boyfriend talking to a girl my age with a pink sweater with a green skirt and had a peculiar updo hairstyle. I thought nothing of it until she was getting kinda touchy. She had placed her hand on his arm and had this pleading look in her eyes. So I made my way over and I could head how her voice had a slight annoying tone.I walk up to Osomatsu and hugged his arm pulling him close. I narrowed my eyes at her and she seemed to be caught off guard by my actions. Osomatsu smiles and gestures to me "Like I was said. I have a girlfriend now. And this is my girlfriend. Y/n this is Totoko, she's a friend from my childhood." He says and I calm down a bit. "Oh wow. You weren't joking! Well hello there." Totoko greets shaking my hand. "Hi. Sorry about how I acted." I say and Osomatsu smirked "and you get at me for being jealous." He says and I flicked his forehead. "Oh shush. Well nice to meet you Totoko." I say giving her a smile.
Karamatsu and I were in the park today. We had brought his guitar along and as he played I sang along. I always loved the way he played and when he sang as well oh that was the best thing. When he finished playing I gave a round of applause making him smile. He kissed my forehead and I blushed softly. "Why don't I get us something to drink? Here you can try your hand at a guitar and see how you do." He says handing me the guitar and standing up before he went to a drink conveyor.I smile and strum the guitar softly. I tried to play a few notes but ultimately I knew I was better playing my piano. I glance over to Karamatsu and saw this girl. She was all over him; flirting with him and touching him. Karamatsu was clearly uncomfortable so I sat the guitar down and walk over. I took Karamatsu's hand and push the girl back. "Back off. He is my boyfriend and he is clearly uncomfortable." I say and she smirks "oh please. You're his girlfriend. Honey you can do better than this girl." She says and Karamatsu narrows his eyes "actually no I can't. My y/n is the sweetest girl and I couldn't ask for anyone else. Now no disrespect to you." "But kindly go away." I but in and Karamatsu put his arm around my shoulder. "What she said." He says with a smile at me. She left in a huff and Karamatsu kissed me softly "you are a cutie when jealous my dear." He says grabbing our drinks, I grab my drink and blush hard. "Let's just forget about this." I say ultimately knowing he won't let me forget it.
I would never consider myself to be jealous. Attention starved that's another story. It could be mistaken for jealously though but it's just me wanting attention. Now to what was happening today. I was at my boyfriend's house but so were his brothers and their girlfriends. Apparently t/g/n had the idea that us girls should get to know one another better. Now it wasn't like it was a bad idea as I got along with them and we got along with one another.But I was a little bored and just wanted to be alone with my boyfriend. The problem was that j/g/n and k/g/n were talking to him so he was busy and I didn't want to seem needy. However after 5 minutes of waiting I had enough and needed to escape from human conversion for a while. So I walked up to Choromatsu and tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie. "Hehe I think y/n wants you." J/g/n says with a smile. Choromatsu looked at me "are you okay?" He asks and I just pull him out of the room and upstairs. I placed him on the couch in the bedroom and cuddle up to him. He smiled and hugged me close "you are so cute." He says and I pout "shut up and hold me." I say and he rolls his eyes "okay okay."
Ichimatsu was over at my house and he again brought ESP kitty along, which Misty was happy about. Misty immediately started to play with the orange cat and I watched. "They are so cute. Do you think they are just friends or do think they are mates?" I ask and Ichimatsu looks over at me with a confused face. "What? Why did that come to your mind?" He asks and I shrug "well even if it's weird. They are mates." I look at Ichimatsu surprised "really? How do you know?" I ask and he smiled shyly "well Misty loves to come by my house to see him. Of course that's not the only reason I know." He says looking at the two cats."What's the other reason?" I ask and he glanced at me "curiosity killed the cat..but seriously I don't really want to talk about it." He says narrowing his eyes and my mouth formed into a line. "Oh..okay." I say continuing to watch my cat as she lays on top of her mate snuggling up to him. "Man whenever you bring ESP kitty over Misty gives all her attention to him." I say with a pout and Ichimatsu snickers. "What?" I ask and he pulls me onto his lap, hugging me. "Are you jealous? Seriously." I blush and look at him "no..maybe but it's not funny." I say and he smirked "hm it's a little funny..you're jealous of your cat." I stay silent with a pout until he kissed my cheek "don't pout. It really is funny and a little cute."
It was another day where I was playing baseball with my boyfriend and because it was a warm day I was in a tank top with shorts and he was wearing the pants of his baseball uniform but no top. I then noticed a girl who was jogging by stop suddenly. Glancing over I noticed she was looking in our direction and had this sultry look in her eyes. I did not like that at all."Hold on jyushimatsu. Let's pause for a second." He nods and I walk over to him. "Why don't you buy us something to drink, okay?" I ask and he nods kissing my cheek before leaving. Once he entered the store I walk over to the woman. I wasn't going to be vicious I just wanted to tell her Jyushimatsu was mine. "Hello" I say keeping calm "Hey~" She says back and I smile "listen. I understand that my boyfriend is fit and has a nice body. However he is my boyfriend so." I say and she snickers. "What?" I ask and she smiles "thank you for telling me hon. But I wasn't looking at him. Honey I was looking at you." She says biting her lip. I blushed in obvious embarrassment "oh..sorry. I um.." I do not know what to say. What do you say in situations like this. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable dear. I'll take my leave. I wish you a happy relationship with him." She says before jogging off. "Y/n! I got the drinks! You okay?" He asks handing me my drink and I nod "y-yeah..I'm just a little embarrassed. That's all."
Todomatsu and I were at my place watching a movie. I was trying to get his attention but he was on his phone texting. I don't usually care if he is on his phone but today it annoyed me more then usual and admittedly I felt jealous. So I tried everything to get his attention but ultimately failed. He was just so focused on texting.So I took a drastic measure and took his phone. "For crying out loud! I'm trying to get your attention! But you're so focused on your phone!" I say obviously upset and he looked startled. "Hey. hey. Calm down. Look I'm sorry, I was texting my manager and was trying to focus on what I was typing." He says and I narrowed my eyes. He took his phone and set it on the coffee table before pulling me into his arms. "You now have my attention. Sorry for ignoring you." He says and I snuggled into his chest. "It's okay. Sorry for yelling. I love you." I say and he pet my head "I love you too. Even when you're jealous."

Osomatsu-san Boyfriend Scenarios
FanfictionChoose your favorite matsu and enjoy the scenarios I have written for them. This book is meant for female readers so sorry to any male readers.