Pranks part two

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You prank him
Air horn prank 😬

In retrospect, I shouldn't have chose a prank that involves a loud noise mixed with waking up Ichimatsu. Though at the moment I was thinking. So while he was napping in bed I careful snuck into our room. Knowing that my boyfriend has sensitive hearing I stood a ways from him to prevent any hearing damage. I shook the canister and with a deep breath press the button.

That recognizable sound filled the room and Ichimatsu jumped awake, falling out of bed. I could hear him panting and saw him place a hand over his heart. "You alright ichi?" I ask walking over to him. He glanced up at me "why would you do that?" He asks with a small glare. "I don't know." I say with a smirk and he stood up. "Give me it." He asks and I back up because I know what he had planned.

He stepped forward asking me to hand it over. I ran off and he followed me "give me the air horn!" I shout back at him "No!" with a laugh

You pranks him
Drunk prank

I decided to prank him by acting drunk. I wanted to see how he would react and what he would do. You could say I was testing him as well. So I returned home purposely later than usual and staggered into the house. "There you are! Where were you?!" Jyushimatsu asks walking over as I stagger and go off balance. He caught me and that's when I started to laugh in a drunken way.

"Heyyy~ J-Jyushimatsu~" I slur and he tilts his head. "Eh? Are you drunk?" He asks and I giggle "m-maybe~" he sighed and picked me up. He took me to the bedroom and put me under the covers. "You better sleep than." He says softly and I decided to test him now. "Can y-you stay at least. Please~" I whine grabbing his wrist. He hums in thought and nods saying "sure." before turning out the lights and getting under the covers. I wrap my arms around him and snuggled up to him.

"You're so warm time tonight..feels nice~" I slurred and kissed his neck. He flinched and fidgeted "h-hey. Let's just s-sleep okay?" I hum and push against him "oh come on don't you want to?~" I ask and he blushed before kissing me "of course I do. But not like this. You're drunk and I'd hate for you to wake up and regret it." He says holding my face "I want to. But not when you are vulnerable like this." I was silent as my heart beat increased slightly. I smile and snuggle up to him "fine..let's just sleep then." I say and he hugs me "yeah. I love you y/n. Always and forever." I blush and hid my face in his chest trying not to cry at how sweet he was being.

You didn't tell him it was a prank. You just went on knowing that Jyushimatsu would never take advantage of you when you are vulnerable. Though you kind of knew that already.

He pranks you
Scare prank

I was on my computer when Todomatsu came in. "Hey y/n~ I found a video that I think you should watch." I hum as he came over and hands me his phone. I took it as it played. The video was two kids playing and I smile. I loved kids, they were so cute.

As the video continued it made me smile. Then the screen went black and suddenly a jump scare of Kuchisake-onna with a woman's scream popped up making me scream and throw his phone. I was shaking and turn to Todomatsu "what the hell?" He smirked "yeah that was my response when Ichimatsu sent it." I narrow my eyes and sigh "don't do that again. I scare easily." He nods and kissed my forehead before retrieving his phone.

We both learned to read video descriptions and titles before watching something.

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