Shocking Surprise

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Here's a new story for you guys. This is just a story that I came up with and thought might be interesting to write and for you guys to read. I really want to know more about Jay's birth mother, so I made this story. It takes place after March of the Oni.

Also, check out my other two stories to kick off my summer. Hope you guys like it. Please enjoy and comment. Happy summer!😉😎

"Bye guys, I'll see you when I get back." Jay called to his teammates as he closed the door to the Monastery of Spinjitzu. He then ran to the edge of the cliff of their headquarters and jumped off, creating his dragon as he fell.

Last night, he got a call from his parents asking for him to visit for lunch today. Normally, his parents were cheerful when they called, but last night, they sounded a little bit upset. So Jay was a little worried that they needed to talk to him about something very bad.

Within a few minutes, Jay arrived at his childhood home. He landed his dragon just outside of the junkyard. He then dispelled it and walked in.

Just as he was about to knock on the door to his parents trailer, he heard his parents talking coming from inside. Before he could stop himself, Jay listened to the conversation his parents were having.

"Are you sure, Ed?" Edna asked him in a pleading voice. "Can't we wait another year or so to tell him?"

"Edna darling, we both agreed we would tell him today." Ed said to her. "I don't like it anymore than you do, but if we keep this secret another year, it'll just be even harder to tell the boy."

'Secret?' Jay thought to himself. 'What secret are they talking about?'

Tried of waiting, Jay knocked on the door to alert his presence to his parents. Within seconds, his mother was at the door, greeting him with a hug.

"There's my baby boy!" She said as she hugged Jay tightly.

"Hi Mom, good to see you too." Jay said as he hugged her back. Once he was done, he hugged his dad and came into the trailer.

"So, why did you want me to come here today do badly?" Jay asked, trying not to sound rude, but really wanted answers to the conversation he heard.

His parents shared a distressed look before turning back to him. Then his mother said, "We'll get to that later sweetheart. For now, let's just enjoy a nice lunch together."

For the next few hours the Walkers enjoyed their time together. Jay told his parents about the oni and they told Jay about how they have been.

Finally, Jay had had enough waiting and decided to ask, "Are you guys going to tell me what's wrong?"

Ed and Edna once again looked at each other, but this time, they both had a very sad look in both their eyes. Edna even looked like she might burst into tears.

"Jay, before we tell you, just know we've always loved you and did what we thought was best for you." Ed said to his son, put a hand on his shoulder, and sat down.

"O...kay," Jay said, unsure of where this was going. But he could tell it was serious, so he followed his parents lead and took a seat on the couch, waiting for them to tell him.

"You see, son, you're... adopted." Ed said quietly.

Jay felt like the whole world completely stopped when Ed said those words. It was the same words he used when Jay found out he was adopted when he and the ninja were dealing with Nadakhan and the Sky Pirates.

He looked at both his parents, hoping that this was a joke that they were playing on him, but their faces showed no signs of a joke. In fact, Edna was now covering her eyes, trying to hide all the crying she was doing. And Ed too looked close to tears.

Jay wordlessly got up and hugged both his parents. They hugged him back tightly. After a minute or two of silent hugs, which was rare in the Walker house, Jay said, "It doesn't matter who gave birth to me. As far as I'm concerned, you two are my real parents."

That only made Ed and Edna cry more and hug him even more tighter, if that was possible. It was another good two minutes before the family finally let go of each other.

"Jay, there's something else." Ed confessed. "There was an address and key with you."

That didn't come as a shock to Jay. He remembered what happened in the alternate timeline all to clearly. But he didn't see what was coming next.

"And a letter." Edna added.

She walked over to a drawer and pulled out a few thing. She walked back over to Jay and showed him to objects. The two familiar ones were the address and key, but Jay wasn't focused on them. What caught his attention was the envelope with his name on it.

"We're sorry we didn't tell you sooner sweetheart, but we just weren't sure how to tell you." Edna said and hugged Jay again.

"It's okay Mom, you were just protecting me." Jay said, trying to keep his emotions together. "And it doesn't change how much I love you and Dad."

The family got together in another tight group hug. But as Jay hugged his parents, his eyes landed on the envelope again. And he knew one thing just by looking at it. He was going to get to the bottom of what happened to his birth mother, no matter what.

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