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                   Tony Stark was bored.  Bored out of his mind. He wanted to start a new project, but Stephen insisted he took a break.  Stephen.  Stephen Vincent Strange.  How could one man be so many different things?  He was witty, confident, very intelligent, sarcastic, and courageous.  Stephen hated to admit it, but he was also really kind and considerate.  

                   Luckily, Peter came to Tony's aid.  The energetic teen burst into the room with a grin on his face.  "Hi Mr. Stark!  Whatcha doin? "  He asked.  "Nothing. I'm bored.  Entertain me."  Tony ordered.  "Okay Mr. Stark! I have just the thing!"  Tony chuckled and shook his head.  Peter pulled out a DVD from his backpack.  "Let's watch this!"  He suggested.  Tony looked at the disc.  "Sherlock Holmes?"  Tony read.  "Yep!  It's really good Mr. Stark!" Peter responded.

                 Stephen strolled into the room to see Tony making popcorn and Peter setting up a movie.  "What movie is that, Pete?"  He questioned, curious.  "Sherlock Holmes!"  He answered.  Stephen scoffed.  "The show is better than the movie."  Peter gasped.  "What?  I think both are equally good!"  Peter argued.  "Well, I think the movie is better." Tony interrupted with a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

                   "Yeah, right."  Stephen disagreed.  "The show is much more realistic."

                  Tony pretended to be offended.  "The movie is far more exciting, Steph.  More entertaining."

                 "As if.  Plus, who doesn't love Martin Freeman as John Watson?"  Stephen proclaimed.

                "Jude Law is a way better Watson."  Tony declared with a smirk.

                  "Guys, guys why can't we just watch the movie?"  Peter asked with a sigh.  "Fine." Stephen  huffed.

                  During the movie, Tony and Stephen kept commenting on the acting skills or how obvious the ending was.  At the very end, popcorn empty and stomachs full, Tony laughed.  "What's so funny?" Stephen questioned.  "I just love you so much."  Tony replied.  A smirk found it's way up to Stephen's lips.  "No shit, Sherlock."  Peter giggled quietly and Tony rolled his eyes.  Stephen pressed his lips to Tony's and smiled.

                   "Isn't it time for you to be at May's, kid?  Tony asked after he was done kissing Stephen.  "Yeah, but do I have to?"  Tony laughed.  "C'mon kid.  May is gonna kill me if your not home soon."  Peter whined, but got his stuff together.  "Bye Mr. Stark!  Bye Mr. Strange!"  He shouted.  Tony waved as Stephen plopped back on the couch.

                     "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Stephen groans.  Tony sits on his lap.  "Will you be the John to my Sherlock?  The Watson to my Holmes?"  Tony questioned jokingly.  "Stop it Tony."  Tony kisses Stephen's neck.  "Make me."  Stephen chuckled.  "Is that a challenge?"  Stephen asked.  "You know it."

                       Let's just say Stephen got Tony to stop talking so much. 

A/n:  I don't know if I should keep continuing these.  Let me know if you want me to keep writing or stop.  Also, suggestions are welcomed!

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