The Longest Hours

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Taking a warm shower was supposed to ease his tired muscles, especially after been sat for long hours listening to an old man giving them a very boring seminar of the complexity of the human mind. Given the recent murders, the higher-ups were trying to train more members of the police to give his very little unit, more manpower. However, he already had a very competent psychologist that would have turned the same conference into something more interesting, not to mention that his strikingly handsome face alone, would had been enough to hypnotize him for hours without even noticing as they went by.

Ah, his Xiao Wei, he had missed him so greatly, but it was about time he give him a call to ask for his help once more. He knew he was a professor with a busy schedule, especially when it was only two months until the end of the semester, but hell was going to freeze over before he worked with the old man that would bore him to death before he could catch the murderer. He already had a good insight of the criminal mind, working with Shen Wei, listening to his every word and memorizing them to heart.

He looked at the clock, to see just how late it was. There was a curfew in the university, but he was the Chief of SID and pretty much everyone knew him, from the many times he came looking for Shen Wei. The Dean even loosed some hair every time he saw him, fully knowing he will ask for a collaboration, which meant losing the favorite professor in the whole University for days or even weeks. Zhao smiled just thinking in how much chaos Shen Wei's absence will cause in such a busy time, by the time he returned his beloved Wei back to his professor's duty, maybe the man will be already bald.

"Oh well... public safety comes first..." Zhao murmur as he dressed and dried his hair with a towel. "And he had an assistant." Her name was Wang Zheng, pretty women, but happily married, which was the reason he liked her and didn't mind her staying around his man. Well... he was not his man yet, because Shen Wei was hard to catch, not to mention stubbornly shy and way too fixed in family relationships. 

To be honest, he didn't give a damn about his father approving or not of their none existent relationship, but Shen Wei had a hard past and very bad experiences with his own father. He was fourteen when his lovely mother, which he resemble, die of an illness and he was separated from his twin brother in a very prejudice decision of the selfish father. 

Shen Wei could see ghosts of all kinds since a child, which his father disliked and was the reason he divorced his wife and when she die of an illness, after he had married again, he decided it was best to send Wei to his grandparents from his ex-wife side, only saying that the new wife will leave him because his eldest son was too weird because he could see things no one else could, and Zhao suspected that Shen Wei cold also use some PK (Psychokinesis), because honestly, when he focus on something for too long, some things moved around on their own, which was what the father was scare off.

The idiot... how could a father abandon such a perfect son for another woman, leaving him in the care of his ex-wife parents? He was such a dedicated kid and learned how to deal with his six sense and be like any other kid. It was because of the rejection that Shen Wei became obsessed with books, he skipped a few grades in his high school, as he teaches himself many subjects in a nearby library and end up choosing phycology as his mayor and a genius on his own right, loved by all who knew him. 

He was in fact the most perfect man he had ever known, with only one flaw... his stubbornness. If he says no, it means no, no matter how hard he try to convince him he was fine with the idea of been disinherited if his father so desire after hearing he was in love with another man, because he was worthy of that and more... And so, a second later, he felt a very badly urgent impulse to call him. 

"My Wei... someday I will break that wall of yours." Zhao said taking his cellphone from a nearby table. The thing ringed twice and at the third, he heard a strange noise from the other side. "Ah, Xiao Wei I was wondering if you..." But as soon as he concentrate in the regular noise, he knew there was something wrong, and his heart begin to quicken, even before Shen Wei answer with an agitated voice. He knew, his Wei was actually running.

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