Welcome Home

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The next day, Shen Wei was submitted to a few more test and everything aside from not remembering a month of his life, was normal. His wound was healing well and he was finally out of bed, although with pain. Zhao helped him to get out and move around the room, so he could stretch his legs. 

"Shen Wei, if you are in too much pain, go back to the bed." Zhao suggested, as he gently moved his hands over both sides of his professor shoulders, in an attempt to massage his stressed muscles. He stood behind him, as Shen Wei looked outside the window. All windows in that hospital reflected the sky from the outside, so no one could see inside, for which he let Shen Wei came close to look at the garden, ten floors below.

"No, I'm fine. I can withstand the pain. What I want is to get out of here as soon as possible." Shen whisper, blushing like mad, as he felt Zhao's hand work wonders over him.

"Ah, so you are eager to come home with me?" Zhao teased, making Shen's ears even redder, but he still smiled.

"It will be you the one who wants me home so badly. Don't get me wrong, I do want to share my life with you, but honestly, I'm holding you here and that can bring you problems with your superiors... you are supposed to be working on my case." Zhao paused to kiss his neck.

"We have a separate office quite far from HQ, you know that and I am working very diligently, making sure my prime witness is safe from all harm. Who can point a finger at me and blame me for doing my duty?" Shen smiled.

"Seriously, we need to catch that murderer as soon as possible. If he can't get rid of me, he will look for another victim to vent his anger, then his killing pattern can change."

"I got the feeling this is a smart killer Shen Wei, he will wait and watch you first to find out whatever or not you recognize him. He purposely hit you in the head probably wishing you brain damage. Lin Jing had sent me a few expedients to have a look and to be honest, it's a bit hard to guess, because all your acquaintances from the University are academics to the core."

"Can I have a look at them too? Maybe it will trigger my memory."

"You are the expert in profiling, so yes... but Shen Wei... just be very careful. I know I can't keep you hidden for the rest of your life and this can take a while..." Shen Wei tuned and smiled at him.

"I can take care of myself Yunlan... I know I was stabbed, but I promise you, no one else will caught me off guard." Zhao kiss him.

"Mmmm, still maybe I can keep you home for at least a month? You know, stab wounds can take a long time to heal and you most fully recover..." Shen smiled some more. 

"I bet you want more than a full recovery. A month Yunlan? By then I will need to be rescue..." Zhao laughed.

"How so? You know I can barely touch you without causing you pain... Ah, this will surely kill me, having you so close but unable to... you know what..." He said suggestively while he winked at him, making Shen blush while smiling.

"I see you are the same shameless Zhao Yunlan I had known for five years... I'm glad I didn't lose all my memories." Zhao slightly hug him, so not to give him more pain.

"So do I Xiao Wei, so do I..." Zhao whisper on his ear as he rested his head over his shoulder. Only thinking about it was heartbreaking. He loved the man blindly and not have him in his life was like not having half his heart.

"You know, I would have try again from the start if you had end up forgetting everything. I promise myself when the doctor first told me you may have some brain damage for the hit you took, that I will remain by your side. Even if you had ended in a bed for life, I would take care of you until my very last breath..."

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