In The Hands Of Justice

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Psychokinesis = moving objects with the power of the mind.


Just two minutes after Shen Wei ran away from the office, Zhao found his note. After loudly cursing, he go out and hastily told the others to follow him, because Shen had found the killer's location and had gone to rescue his assistant on his own. They ran down the street after Shen Wei, when they hear a gunshot and another shortly after.

"Please be safe, please be safe, please be safe..." Zhao recited inside his mind like a mantra, as he hurry, pushing his mortal body in a mad dash.

Zhao's heart sink in fear, because two shots could mean two bodies and he push his legs to their limit to run even faster, scared for his lover's life, as well as for Wang's. He felt like having a deja vu, from the last time Shen Wei acted impulsively and involve himself in a dangerous situation, resulting in been stabbed by a manic that had a sick obsession with him.

He open the door of the abandoned building cursing himself for failing to notice, the bastard had always been that close to them, that close to his Wei, watching his every move. Taking out his gun and a small flashlight he always had in one of his pockets, for situations like those, he go up the stairs in a fly, closely followed by Chu and Da Qing, equally armed and ready to deal with any situation.

He knew that Shen Wei had more than physical strength, because his mind was in a league of his own and he hoped that this time he didn't find him bleeding on the floor. The Chief of SID, carefully push the door that was partially open and illuminate the room, finding Shen Wei untying Wang and the sick bastard who had tried to attempt killing his lover for a second time by the wall, apparently unconscious.

"Chu! Take care of the bastard! Da Qing, go check on Wang's condition and call an ambulance if she needs any medical assistance." Zhao shouted and looked at Shen Wei, who was now on his feet. Wasting no time, he hastily move to embrace his lover in his arms, relieved to see him alive. He was angry with his reckless professor, but he was gladder to see him alive. So he hug him tightly, breathing in his intoxicating sent, which still have a hint of his favorite shower gel and feeling his warm body pressed against his. It was simply heavenly to have him on his arms and hopefully, unharmed.

"My Wei, are you okay?" Zhao asked after his fear was gone, searching him with trembling hands for new wounds, but Shen took Yunlan's hands on his, to stop the desperate search and smiled at him. He had worry him that much, for which he regretted giving Yunlan such a scare, but he will make sure to make it up to him later.

"I'm fine Yunlan, I'm not hurt this time. Please forgive me, I know I should have told you..." However, his beloved didn't let him finish as he kiss him with all his might, minding not about those who were watching them. Shen Wei blushed intensely under Zhao's unmasked need and demand of immediate retribution, but he didn't mind. He understood that Zhao needed reassurance, needed to be comforted and to feel him well, in his own way. Thus, he gave in, allowing Zhao to release some of the tension he caused on Yunlan. The room was poor illuminated anyways, so to hell whit everything else. That case was close.

Wang smiled at such a sight, glad it was all over and no one else was hurt. She could not have wished for a better outcome, despite the hellish experience she suffer at been kidnapped, because aside from been mentally terrorized by hearing Yan' s confession of all the murders, how he killed the first victim and as she fought back, how he manipulate and even supervise as Chuan Li, killed the other three women, then cursing Shen Wei over and over; Yan did nothing more than tide her tightly.

"Yunlan..." Shen whisper in need of air and Zhao broke their kiss.

"Don't ever do that to me again, Shen Wei..." Zhao whisper back.

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