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The next morning, the first one to wake up from the blissful sleep was Zhao Yunlan. He watched Shen Wei sleep for a few minutes, before his lover moved and moan in pain, waking up. Zhao removed a lock of his silky dark hair, so to have a better view of his lover face.

"Yunlan..." Shen Wei smiled at him.

"Xiao Wei... were you in pain just now?" The lovely professor shock his head in negative.

"I'm fine... what about you? Did you sleep well after my nightmare?" Shen asked, caressing his messed hair, then sliding his soft fingers down his check until reaching his lips, sending shivers down Zhao's spine.

"I did... damn you are too hot even after just waking up..." Zhao took his lips and kiss him. Shen Wei was too much of a temptation to resist for long and now that he have it with him at home, it was going to be even harder to keep himself in control, so not to hurt him.

"Yunlan..." Shen murmur, still unable to break the kiss, allowing himself to deepen it, giving Zhao a full access to his mouth to explore as he wished, but Yunlan was hungry for more, so after he was done with his mouth he moved down his throat, tasting it while kissing his porcelain skin, leaving some small red traces as he bite a bit, while Shen moaned, holding Zhao's hair.

Lost in his passion and hot kisses up and down, Zhao forgot Shen Wei was still not fully heal. Thus as he pull Wei over him, to gain more access to his chest and down, the professor yelped in unmistakable pain, as Yunlan's hand was inches away from his wound, which was now slightly bleeding.

"Oh, I'm sorry Shen Wei..." Yunlan whisper with guilt, as Shen removed himself from over Yunlan.

"Don't worry... it was bound to happen..." Shen said, trying to disguise his pain.

"Let me see..." 

"I'm fine Yunlan."

"I know you better than you give me credit, turn around and let me see." With a sigh, he turned to lay over his stomach, as Yunlan rose his dark gray t-shirt up, to see the bandage, which was tinted with fresh blood.

"I'm so sorry babe... I..."

"Yunlan, it's fine. It's not like you did it on purpose and to be honest, I was wishing for you pretty much as you wanted me."

"Alright... I will change the bandage, then take you back to the hospital, for the nurse to check it, just in case..."

"Oh, no... no more hospitals Zhao Yunlan..." Shen said as he blushed intensely. He was sure they had become the talk of the entire hospital and if he showed up there with a bleeding, they will be even more rumors. Seen him so flustered Zhao laughed at his cuteness.

"It will be a very discreet visit, no one will notice..." Zhao help him sit.

"Yeah right, who are you kidding with? If it nothing serious, no hospitals, okay?" Shen insisted.

"You are too shy for your own good babe..." Zhao said, then he took out the new bandages and antibiotics and have a look at the stitches. Although there was a bit of bleeding, they were all in place and looked good, without a sign of infection, so he carefully clean the wound, making sure there was no more bleeding and put back the new bandages.

"Okay, no hospital trip... now, get up... you are going to the office with me today." Zhao said as he help him out the bed.

"Good, I need to focus back to work, because honestly, you are too much of a temptation at home." Shen Wei whisper to himself, as he took a shower before Yunlan, rejecting all his offers to help him bathe. He honestly missed his formal clothes, which were all still in his room, back in the teacher's dorm, because all Yunlan's less formal clothes, have a scent of him, of his very appealing and distracting perfume.

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