A Hint Of Normality

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As soon as his superiors give him their approval, Zhao ask for the warrant, to search the suspect house and detain him for questioning. Once he had it in his hands, he mobilize the local police along with most of his team, (minus Shen Wei, Guo and Zhu Hong, which were still at the office) to the suspect home address. Lu Yan had reported himself sick the morning when the last victim had been kill, so his whereabouts were unknown so far.

Still, they went to his house and brake in, after following the proper protocol in case like the one they were dealing with. As expected, the house was empty, but they had go there, more in search for more evidence than to find the murder. Zhao make sure that every corner of the house was properly searched and not a single corner was left unchecked.

Chu end up finding a fake wall in the bedroom just behind a huge mirror that lead to a hidden small room. If not because the mirror looked out of place, the hidden room would had been overlooked. After unlocking it, what they found make Zhao angry, because it was Lu Yan's huge collection of photos, mostly of Shen Wei in different places, some red marked, while others mutilated.

There were probably hundreds of photos took in both day and night. Zhao could see that at least half of them were a few years old, because he had photos of Wei's old apartment, of him running in the near park, of him in the University, or in some gatherings. He even saw a few in which Zhao was beside Shen, drinking in some near the street restaurant and some photos of the other victims in which they crossed path with Shen Wei. 

The last victim for example, was sat in a bench and Shen Wei was passing by her, probably back to his office after a class. The young woman, was looking at the professor pass, obviously with admiration and he wonder if Lu Yan chose the victims not only because they resemble Shen Wei, but also because they had respect him as a professor or as a psychologist.

They took photos of the wall and confiscate all that could be used as evidence, like laptops, files and all the expedients at his University office, then issue another warrant for arrest on sight to all police stations in Dragon City. Even though they didn't catch him right away, Lu Yan was not going to leave the city easily, not to mention the country, as all airports were informed of the suspect detention.

In all, it was a matter of time for someone to spot him, as the media showed his photo in all channels and so the anonymous confidences begin to overload their team in no time. Shen Wei was relieved, as now that pretty much everyone in the country knew of Lu Yan's madness, there would be no more victims and soon, all those who were so viciously murder, will have their deserved justice.

At the end of that day, the evidence against Lu Yan was overwhelming. Lin found in his confiscated personal laptop, recovered threatening letters directed to professor Shen that were deleted, with dates as far as five years ago and two short videos of the murderers. Then, an anonymous confidence they receive from the mental institute in which Lu Yan sister was interned, also give them a better insight of the fragile mental state of the family.

Lu Yan sister had a traumatic experience when she was in high school, as their parents were in a car accident along with her. She was the only survivor and that mark her forever, however, with the help of her brother, who was studying phycology at that time, she more or less recover and eventually married with a divorced man, which had a nineteen years old son from his previous marriage.

One night, the son in law, Chuan Li, was drunk and came to complain to his father about his lack of fatherly duties because of his new marriage and had a fight with him outside the house. Lu Yan's sister intervened and Chuan Li grabbed her arm in anger and push her to the street in front of the house at the exact moment a car was passing by, who almost hit her. Seen herself back to almost been killed by another car, sent her back to her old dormant trauma, awakening it, more severely than before until she finally lose it completely.

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