Facing Demons

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A warning for some hot adult stuff right away. Nothing too explicit, but hot anyways.

🔥-Shen Wei-🔥

"Yunlan..." Shen Wei whisper in his lover ear, as Zhao kissed his neck savoring the porcelain white skin he loved so much, leaving a red mark on it. They were in the shower and as the warm water run down Wei's body, so was Yunlan hand. They passionately kiss for a while, while Yunlan explored his bare skin, up and down, making him moan in deep pleasure.

Zhao was careful not to touch him close to his wound, but he had no problem to grab his butt and press his hard arousal against that of his lover, making Shen moan more. Then Zhao make Wei slightly part his leg, so he could put his in between, then rub him as he gently move his leg under him. This make the hot professor yell his name, feeling Zhao's wet skin moving up and down as he grabbed his but to press him tighter.

Wei put his arms around Zhao's wide shoulder to get better balance and make it easier for Yunlan to move under him. Then Zhao also added one hand to rub his arousal along with their rhythmic dance, sending waves of pleasure all over Wei's body. Right after, Yunlan's mouth trapped a nipple, playing with it as he wish it, with that hot tong of his that make Shen yell his name over and over. By the time he stop playing up his chest, Shen Wei almost came, when Zhao let go of him and bite his way down toward his arousal.

"Yunlan please... this is too much teasing..." Zhao smiled at his Wei's urgency and so he comply. He took Shen's erection in his mouth and begin liking it very softly. The intensity of the pleasure the professor felt was overwhelming, so he arched his back, but Zhao put a hand over his lower back, to keep him in place as he played with his hard arousal. The desire raised tenfold under Yunlan's teasing, making him forget everything but Yunlan.

Shen moaned and call Yunlan's name, every time that hot mouth sucked, then liked, then sucked again in a forbidden dance that was making him go crazy, because Zhao was giving him no mercy. He was determine to give his lover the ultimate pleasure that only he could offer. Yunlan wanted to spend his lover's energy as much as he could, so the chances of a nightmare will decrease and Shen Wei could fully rest after a hellish day of waiting for news in the office.

So he keep Shen trapped, wickedly moving his tong as he moved up and down over Wei's arousal. He felt as his professor short nails leaved a red trace on his back, yet despite the own desire he was feeling, he keep up his rhythm until Shen could no longer hold it in and release his passion, inside Zhao's mouth.

"Yunlan... I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it anymore..." Shen said, apolitically, but Zhao only smiled.

"Don't apologize, my Wei... that was the idea." Zhao said, as he stood and hold him closer.

"Let me make you come now... I...." Zhao trapped his mouth with his.

"No need... just one touch and you will make me release..." Zhao whisper.

"Liar..." Shen whisper back, as his hand reached for Yunlan's.

"My Wei,,," Shen touched gently the head, making Zhao moaned. Then Shen follow instinct and gave Yunlan more pleasure than he could hold and soon, he too released. 

Then, Zhao checked Wei's wound for the second time that night and after changing the wet bandage for a new one, he helped Shen to dress again. They go out of the bathroom in the very moment the cell phone begin to ring. Half distracted by Yunlan's naked back, as he wasn't wearing a shirt yet, he urged Zhao to take the call, but Yunlan arched an eyebrow in amusement as the ringtone was not his, but Wei's. 

With his face red in embarrassment for failing to notice something so obvious, just because he was admiring his lover's back, Shen Wei took his cell phone and look at the name flashing in the phone screen. He frowned as he find it odd for Wang's husband to call him as such hour. Zhao looked over Shen's shoulder, as he hug him from behind to the small screen, having a bad feeling about the call.

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