Narrowing The Suspects

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"Come on in." Zhao said, as soon as Shen Wei was sat behind the small spare desk at one side of his office. The desk was basically Shen's, for when they were working on a case together and it had been there for a few years, remaining him of his professor, even when he wasn't there. 

Shen had resisted the idea of having a desk, when he only worked there occasionally, but as the pervert he was, he wanted his Wei as close as he could even if it was for a short period of time. Gou Changcheng, enter the office, as shy as ever, bowing his head slightly in Shen Wei's direction and looking at him, waiting for his instructions. 

"Ah, little Guo... I need a big favor of you." Zhao said as he sat behind his desk, putting his legs over it.

"Sure, Chief." He said, wondering where he would be send this time. Favours mostly translated in going somewhere to retrieve something for the Chief, in resume, an errand he had not time or dislike to do it himself.

"I need you to go to the Shen Wei's University. There are some boxes that needs to be brought here, from the professor's office. Wang Zang will give them to you, as well as bring some luggage from Shen Wei's dorm. You can take Lin Jing with you... he is probably slacking off in the lab right now." Ah, at least he wasn't going to be making errands alone, Guo thought.


"Actually, let Lin handle the boxes, one at the time would be best, while in the University, so to give you time to move around, before going to Shen Wei's dorm. I want to hear the rumors going around the Campus and note them in that notebook of yours. I don't care how silly the gossip seems to be, just write everything you hear. Also move around the professors offices, you are young, so you will pass as a student, without problems. I only ask you to be discreet. Anyone who approaches Shen Wei's office, you write the description or a name if you can find it. In all, I'm giving you a field job, the remaining suspect is around the Campus, and it may as well be another professor. I'm giving you a very important job this time, so don't disappoint me." Zhao said and Guo's expression changed instantly. Shen Wei smiled at Guo before he hastily turned to finally do a real job and pretty much his head with the glass door when he try to open it in the wrong direction.

Zhao rolled his eyes, yet when Guo had finally found the way to exist, unable to contain his excitement, he smiled too. Wei knew Zhao cared for the 'new trainee' (in reality he wasn't new at all), the same way he cared for the rest of his team or maybe even more, as Guo was the youngest among his team.

"He is a good kid, Yunlan... be nicer to him, he also wants to be an active member of your team." Shen Wei said, looking at him more seriously.

"I know, I just don't want to give him risky jobs, not only because he is the nephew of one of the Directors, but because I rather keep him safe. You know he is easily scared for pretty much anything and the last time I allow him to join us, he fainted when he saw the bloody corp." Shen smiled.

"True, so you are narrowing the suspects to a professor?" He asked, moving back from his desk to sit in a chair in front of Yunnan's desk.

"The way you were taken by surprise by the bastard who stab you... I think you knew him well, more than you would know one of your students. Also... while you were unconscious in the hospital, I study the case more profoundly. The victims all shared three characteristics, aside from having similar taste in food, ordering from the restaurant, the other bastard worked in... they were all consider beautiful, caring and smart... not to mention they all study in your university at some point. The way he mutilate the body means he wanted to get rid of something he doesn't like, something that infuriate him to the point of killing... he works around you, who also had the same characteristics he hates in an overwhelming amount, if you ask me... so in his own sick and twisted way, perhaps... maybe this killer was..."

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