For My Beloved

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-Shen Wei-

The next morning, after some breakfast with his mischievous lover that could barely keep his hands away from him, Shen offer to drive Yunlan to the office, then go back home in his red Hummer. Zhao had asked why and Shen had told him that he needed to buy things for dinner as well as other necessities and as he didn't have a car, because he lived inside the grounds of his working place, he needed Yunlan's red extravagance to go shopping for him.

Zhao then offer that they could go grocery shopping after work, because he would be more than happy to help him with the task and even offer to carry his bags for him. However, he dismiss the idea, telling Yunlan he had nothing else to do, aside from read and wait for him to go home until he was fully heal, which will take a few more days, until his next medical check and he would be even happier to have dinner served by the time his impatient lover come home.

So, after he leave Zhao at the office with a heated goodbye kiss, he was on his way for his long day of preparations. He went to a few shops and buy all he needed, which took him half the day, just to find the right thing for his beloved took him two long hours of searching, but just when he was beginning to despair, he found what he was looking for, right how he wanted and rushed home, to get everything ready.

He spent the rest of the day transforming Yunlan's house, then when he was satisfy with the result, he went to the kitchen and prepare a very special dinner for the two of them. He barely got enough time to take a relaxing bath, then prepare Yunlan's second gift to present him with. At five he went to pick up his lover and go out of Zhao's Hummer, to enter the office. Those who see him, like Zhu Hong, were left with their mouth open as he walked toward the Chief's office, after greeting all the workers.

Zhu found Shen Wei extra handsome that evening, with his elegant black tuxedo and white shirt, perfect hair and appealing perfume, very manly yet sexy. That was how Zhao Yunlan's prince looked like, the perfect image for any magazine that wanted to sell the item in record time. He was carrying another black tuxedo, carefully bended over his left arm and Zhu smiled with a hint of jealousy.

It was obvious that Zhao's prince planned something romantic for his lover and she wished she could have a man as romantic as him. A shame it was long taken. Feeling she was intruding and was already time to go, she packed her things and after giving a last glance at the perfect man, with a straight back, about to knock her Chief's door, she headed for the main door. So did Da Qing, Guo and Chu.

Shen knocked at Yunlan's door and after he told him to go in, Shen open the door and was surprised to find Zhao with a big pile of documents. He was so busy, he didn't chance a glance his way, probably thinking that one of his employees had knocked, instead of him. However, as soon as Shen Wei's glorious sent hit his nose, Zhao happily looked at his lover to greet him, but he too was left with his mouth open, from which a mango lollipop fell over one of the papers, but Zhao couldn't care less.

"My Wei..." Zhao manage to whisper as he looked almost in a trance at his very handsome lover in his full glory.

"God evening Yunlan, we are going to have a special dinner tonight, so please, change your clothes. I brought you this." Shen said, while putting the tuxedo over the chair in front of his desk. "I will wait for you outside." He added, still leaving Zhao in wonder. Soon after, Zhao go out of the office, fully changed with the only exception of his shoes, which he had taken them from the Hummer while he waited.

"Here, your shoes..." Shen offer him, but the shoes could wait, however he could not. The man in front of him was too perfect to be true, so Zhao wasted no time to bring him close and kiss him quite passionately before he could vanish, like if he were an illusion.

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