Got You

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After Zhao gave the video files to Shen Wei, he calmly watched his reactions as the interrogation progressed. Most of the time, Shen frowned, but he said nothing about what he felt while watching the killer he fought said he didn't remember, over and over. It was completely understandable that he may feel a bit angry or lost, because he could not remember anything of what happen that cursed night.

So he just keep an eye on him while he watched the few interrogations done by different detectives and waited as he sometimes replayed some parts. Then, when he was done with the videos, he stood up and sat by his lover side in the chair next to him.

"Shen Wei..." Zhao whisper, closing the laptop.

"He is not lying." Shen Wei said, looking at the Chief.

"Huh? About what?" Zhao asked softly.

"When he said he doesn't remember. He not lying about it. I had carefully watch all his manners, his eyes, face expression and tone of voice. I saw him like I would a patient in my office, taking in consideration any indication he may be lying. There are some physical reactions to each lie, even the ones we consider white lies to spare someone else feelings for example. This man did kill the women, he didn't deny it in any of the times he was asked, he only instead he didn't remember killing her."

"Are you suggesting he also has memory loss?" Zhao asked more seriously now.

"No. It's not memory loss, like in my case, I think is was intentionally blocked from his memory." Shen looked at his lover.

"Shen Wei... that's..."

"Let me explain. People seek the help of professional physiologists for many reasons. Some want to improve relationships, some others need to overcome difficult times, others desire to deal with their fears and so on. We learn to help the troubled minds in their different stages, sometimes using methods that can alter it to improve their lives. This methods are done with great care to the willing patient."

"You mean, hypnosis?" Zhao asked a bit surprised.

"Yes. There are many people who wish to forget a traumatic experience, while others, like myself, wants to remember it. The killing methods in this case was probably an indication that it had been the work of two people from the start." Shen Wei took the file from the first case over Yunlan's desk.

"This photos of the victim shows rage. This woman was killed by someone who wanted to erase something. The face was mutilated probably because she was petty and smart, the arms, because she was caring as well as the heart. Mutilation of a body requires more than just desire to kill, it needs a good amount of grudge and the pleasure of manifesting that inner desire that had been repressed for a long period of time." Shen took the other files.

"However, the second victim as well as the third, although mutilated as well, their wounds were less deep in most parts. The stab angels were weak and dispassionate in both arms and face, but deeper in the heart. There is no real rage manifesting in their bodies, nor the initial grudge that was plain to see in the first one. This is probably because the second killer was committing a crime for a different reason, most likely because he just like it to kill, not mutilate. A troubled mind for example, is easy to manipulate by those unscrupulous people that abuse of someone else trust. I'm not saying that he committed the crime controlled, but that the memories of the act may had been alter, most probably as a precaution. If your killer doesn't remember, then he can't tell anyone about it." Shen Wei said, raising once again the Chief admiration.

"Babe, you are as good as ever." He said, slightly kiss him. "Are there any signs of altering a mind?"

"Every time a detective ask for the reason he killed the women, he freeze for half a minute, then scratch the back of his head and moves back and forth in a repetitive manner and gets angry. He does this three times after the question is repeated in separate occasions. There is also the way he move his fingers in his right hand at those exact times he is asked. It shows he is anxious and the way he looks to the left, as if trying to remember but, then suddenly gets mad, shouting he doesn't remember killing her over and over."

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