Yielding To You

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-Shen Wei-

"Yunlan..." Shen whisper against Zhao's lips, a bit embarrassed for been caught in the middle of a heated kiss with the one he had loved for the last five years. He had heard the sliding door open and after that some giggling, but he was too immersed in Yunlan's kiss to fully mind. There was an unspoken need in Zhao's kiss, a hint of desperation he was unable to resist and although he didn't have a clue of why he had end up in a hospital bed, he was sure it had greatly affected Yunlan in more than one way.

"Shen Wei... I know you may be confuse right now and I will try my best to explain everything you had forget, but please... please... I love you. I had love you at first sight and those machines that keep beeping are proving to me and the medical staff that you feel the same way. I have waited for you for five years... respecting your rejections because I knew you were doing it for my sake, but now... Shen Wei, I will not hold back any longer. Not matter what, I'm yours... always will and you just proved, yielding to my kiss that you are feeling the same for me... it had been so hard to see you hurt like this... you are moving in with me." Zhao whisper back, seriously looking at him.

Shen Wei could see there was determination in those lovely dark eyes of his. He was sure that whatever had happen to him had deeply shocked Yunlan to the core. It was plain to see this time he was death serious, not simply playing around or teasing. Zhao Yunlan was simply opening his heart to him, so he could take it and be his owner.

"Yunlan... a relationship between us is..."

"Forbidden, I know. You had told me before, still I don't care... what I feel for you is real and no one will change it. We are adults, Shen Wei... we don't have to live our lives by the rules of others. Please give in this time. It's not like you don't love me back, otherwise I would had stop pursuing you, years ago. You are worthy of waiting an eternity for you, but Shen Wei... I really can't hold it in anymore, so please..." Zhao said with such emotion that Shen Wei's heart keep up rising. He was sure now that he had hurt him long enough.

Every human had a braking point and as he watched those deep eyes, filled with both fear and love mixed, he understood, his Yunlan had come to that point. He caressed Yunlan's cheek with his free of serum hand and gave him a slight kiss. Then he pulled him closer, so he would rest his head over his chest and he could hug him. He was in psychical pain, but Yunlan was in an emotional one. He kissed the crown of his head and pass his fingers through his hair.

"I have hurt you... please forgive me..."

"Don't ask for forgiveness... you had done nothing wrong."

"Yes, I have... Yunlan, I only wanted for you and your father to not become strangers sharing the same blood, just like me and my father."

"I know... still, our relationship had always been bad. Even if I had fall for a woman instead of you, our relationship would still remain the same."

"But there is more... I had really hurt you, almost to the breaking point. What happen Yunlan? What did I did to you?" Shen asked softly, still playing with his hair.


"Don't lie to me. Why am I here? I know I was wounded, because my back and my head are in pain and even my brainwaves are been monitoring. You also look exhausted..."

"I'll call a nurse..." Zhao removed himself from Shen Wei's chest and was going to leave his bed when Shen Wei reached for his shirt to stop him from leaving the bed.

"Wait Yunlan... please tell me." There was a plea in his beautiful doe eyes, that Yunlan was unable to resist it.

"You were stabbed in the back. There was a serial killer case and one girl from your University was murder. I'm guessing you saw her spirit and chased after her. You follow her to the lab room when she was killed and fought with the murderer. After leaving him unconscious, someone came from your back and stabbed you..." Zhao paused, wondering how much he should tell at once.

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