A Piece Of Memory

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After such promise, Zhao make sure they were not been follow by someone else, aside the two idiots that were tailing them. After he make an extra-long trip to the office, Zhao go out of his Hummer first and open Shen Wei's door, when Da Qing and Chu Shuzhi, where there to escort him in. He helped him out and the three of them keep him shelter inside their little circle.

Once inside the office, both Da Qing and Chu, throw themselves in the nearest couches. Shen Wei smiled at them and properly thank the pair for their hard work and promise them something good for dinner, which make Da Qing's eyes sparkle in anticipation and Old Chu's mouth water.

"Xiao Wei, don't spoil them, otherwise, we will have them coming home each night, case or not." Zhao warned him, while looking for a softer cushion, for his lover wounded back.

"Please, as if I will interrupt a pair of love birds on their honeymoon." Chu retorted, making Shen Wei blush at the thought. Right at that instant, a woman, wearing an elegant suit go down the metallic stairs with a few folders on her arms.

"Ah, professor Shen, it's so good to see you out of that hospital and looking better." Zhu Hong said, welcoming the professor to their office.

"Thank you, Zhu Hong." Shen Wei responded, smiling so charmingly at her, that she couldn't help but blush under his beauty.

"Hey! Don't go fantasizing about him, you know he is mine..." Although Zhu, knew her Chief teasing nature quite well, she couldn't help but blush more, as the professor sighed. She did have a crush on him years back, when the professor was first introduced to their team, but then, seen that he was more interested in Zhao Yunlan, she move on from that deep water that would not take her anywhere, but to sink her in an endless abyss.

"Yunlan, that's rude..." Shen scolded him.

"You know he is shameless, why even bother taking him seriously..." Chu said from his couch.

"He is right, it didn't bother me professor." Zhu confirmed, as she walked back to her desk.

"Come on here babe, have a sit." Zhao said ignoring his team and Shen Wei, resigned, sat where Yunlan wanted him to be.

"Anything new about our detainee?" Zhao asked, sitting by Shen Wei. He was eager to finish with that case, so he could share his life with his professor in private, without part of his team posted at the other side of the street watching their every move or kiss. Zhu took the files she had brought from the archive room and handle them to her Chief.

Yunlan read it first, then he passed it to Shen Wei, who thankfully accept it and eagerly read it. The statement of the suspect was at first glance ridiculous, because he had been caught by him inside the lab room, a fact that was still elusive to his forgetful mind and lab tests of the found weapon has conclusive evidence, the man in his late twenties had indeed committed the crime, yet he insisted in denying the facts and claim he remember nothing. Looking at his picture, he felt that there was something out of place around him. His name was Chuan Li, with twenty-eight years old.

He was not one of his students, yet he did study in the campus at some point, but never graduate. He was currently working as a delivery man for a popular restaurant, which apparently gave him a good list of victims to choose from female clients, as apparently all the victims did ask for a delivery at some point. However, despite the evidence, there was something he felt was missing, another connection that tied him with the one he didn't remember.

A raid on Chuan Li's apartment had further prove he was the culprit, as the police found a wall full of the four victims pictures and blood tainted clothes. They had even found some of the victim's belongings, as if they were some kind of trophies for his hunting. The evidence pointing at him was quite overwhelming, but unfortunately, the policemen that raid the old apartment, did not found any evidence of a second culprit, for which the serial case was only half solved, only missing the involvement of the accomplice or mastermind of the murders, of which they have no evidence to point to a specific suspect. The only evidence leading to a second murderer was him, on Yunlan's recorded call.

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