Chapter 1 - A Lovely Evening

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It was getting late in the evening.

Our young Dragon riders; Fishlegs, Astrid, Heather, Hiccup, Snotlout and the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut were just on the way back to Dragons Edge - also known as, The Edge.

The sun was shining through the clouds, making a reddish-gold color in the horizon.... it was a very great view.

The way back was long - about a couple of hours- so Astrid and Heather entertained themselves by talking about girly stuff, Hiccup and Fishlegs geeked about dragon species and newly found islands, while Snotlout and twins had fun telling riddles and overly dramatic stories.

They had been out scouting for the dragon hunters the whole day, so they were all tired and fatigued. Now they had to get back to The Edge before it got dark.

"Hey, HEY... my turn now" Tuffnut grinned, looking at the two Vikings " How would a chair look like if our knees bent the other way? - I mean wouldn't it be cool?" He asked with an excited look in his eyes.

"Whooa... I would loooove such a chair," Ruffnut answered sarcastically while laughing, giving him a punch right on the shoulder "good one there... brother" she grinned.

Snotlout rolled his eyes "MAAAN... how do you come up with this stuff?!
"Stop thinking about such stupid things" he shouted and gave a "see-what-have-to-work-with-" look to Heather, who was now casually listening to the conversation with a small giggle.

Meanwhile, Astrid had flown a bit closer to Fishlegs and Hiccup - who was still geeking about dragon stuff. At first, the boys didn't notice her and just kept on talking. Then Astrid began to pat Stormfly carefully as she tried not to disturb their conversation.

"Oh...h-hey Astrid" Hiccup started when that got his attention.

"Now that you're here...I-I actually just thought I would as-ask you something...". Hiccup said with a gentle, low voice.

He then looked at Fishlegs with a gentle smile, trying to indicate some alone time for a minute.

"... oh of course... eh... I'm gonna talk to Snotlout and the twins then" Fishlegs said quickly," come on girl, let's give them some alone time". He gave Meatlug a little pat and turned away.

Now Astrid and Hiccup were alone in the front of the group.

"So..... what were you going to ask me about?" Astrid started, gazing at the beautiful sunset.

Hiccup sighed " I.. I was.... just thinking that, since you and Heather share your hut.... and she is sleeping at Fishlegs's tonight... m-maybe...maybe you would sleep in my hut.... tonight? Or I could sleep at yours? only if you want of course" he smiled awkwardly. This was a question he had thought about in a long time.

Astrid looked into his emerald eyes. This would be the first time they slept together - in the same bed of course.

"How mature of you" she laughed, "of course I will" she answered.

Hiccup began to blush. "That's a deal then" he smiled, moving his head down to Toothless's eye "seems like I've got company tonight, bud".

Toothless gave a happy sound and turned over to look at Astrid, giving her his famous dragon smile.

"...I'm gonna tell Heather...ok? Just so she knows-and doesn't get confused if I'm not there, -you know," Astrid said, clapping Stormfly on the neck.

"...sure, just go on" Hiccup replied, smiling with a gleam of excitement in his emerald-green eyes.

Astrid flew over and told the news to Heather, trying not to make the other Vikings notice. Heather got an even bigger smile on her face. "Oh, you two better have a good time" she laughed, looking at Hiccup who was gazing at the still beautiful sunset.

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