Chapter 2 - Love Is In The Air

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I was a quiet morning, the sun had just risen on the horizon. The only sounds were the waves crashing lightly against the rocks and the wind in the bushes. It was so peaceful. Everyone has had a good night sleep, especially the sleepy couple; Astrid and Hiccup, who had slept in the same bed together for the first time. This was a new thing for them both.

The peaceful quietness quickly got cut off by Toothless, who had just woken up. He knocked on the wooden post with his tail so the whole cottage shook. 

"BONK... BONK... BONK...". The whole building creaked and sawdust sprinkled down from between the boards.

Hiccup woke up, lying with his arms around Astrid. One of her legs was bent at a 90-degree angle and was resting on his hip. She still had one hand on his chest and the other around his neck. He felt pleasure.

"Aaaah... isn't it too early bud..?" Hiccup muttered. He didn't want to leave this comfortable and lovely position he was in. He also didn't want to wake up Astrid, she looked so pretty when she was asleep. So calm and suppliant, a side of Astrid he had never seen before.

But Toothless just cried "uuhargh harfg!" which probably meant something like "no I can't wait!" in dragon-language. 

Hiccup knew well that Toothless had to fly every morning and that he couldn't just lie down all day to cuddle. So he had to get up.

He tried to wrap his arms free from under Astrid's shoulder. It was hard not to make any harsh movements, because of his position, but when he was almost free, she moved a little and took a deep breath. 

"What time is it?" She asked with a weak voice and almost closed eyes.

"It's very early ... Just sleep on, Toothless and I are just taking a morning flight" Hiccup whispered as he stroked his hand through her blond hair. 

He got up and went down the stairs to the very impatient Toothless in a hurry. 

Astrid whispered "see you later" while she turned a few times around in his bed until she found a comfortable position. Then she yawned and buried herself under the blanket and slept on.

In the meantime, Hiccup had got down the stairs. 

"Come on bud, let's put a tail on you". 

Toothless cheered and jumped - just like a happy dog. He couldn't sit still. 

"Okayyy... calm down, calm down," Hiccup said with a smiling expression. He quickly put the tail on the dragon and in no time, the two was in the air.


Some time went as the light began to shine from the horizon, then the twins had just woken up.

"How about we get down to gather some saltwater?" Tuffnut started with an excited look in his eyes. 

"Eh... are you stupid... why would we need to get saltwater?" his sister hissed... "sometimes he is such a dumb brother," she thought and rolled her eyes.

"I was just a little thirsty... while I had a hunger for salt... so what better than ... salt water?" He laughed as he was patting his pet chicken. There was a short moment of silence...

"Well let's do it, brother!" Ruffnut agreed, giving him a punch on the shoulder. 

Then they went out of their cabin and headed down to the coast...

On the way down there, they met Heather and Fishlegs, who was also awake. They had studied Heather's dragon -The Razorwhip called Windshear- the whole evening last night. Fishlegs wanted to make a new page in The Book Of Dragons about said dragon, so Heather would help since she knew a lot about her dragon.

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