Chapter 5 - Wanna Sleep Here?

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Hiccup was in the middle of nowhere. Not a single tree, not a single rock or a single person. It was just all white and foggy around him, he couldn't see very far.

"Hiccup?" a female voice whispered.

Hiccup gasped. Where was he? This was scary, very scary. He felt like someone was watching him. How did he even end up here?

"Hiccup?" the female voice said again.

He freaked out. Who was this?

Out in the far, he could barely sense a face, a very familiar face. He began walking closer and closer to the shape, but it just disappeared.

Some moment of silence... and then he heard someone laugh very evilly behind him. He quickly turned around and to his huge fright, Astrid stood there in front of a massive, black hole in the white ground. She stood right in the middle of to shadows. They held her tight by the arms on either side of her. Astrid's face was terrified, she was clearly not joyful with this situation.

She just stood there and looked at Hiccup with tears running in streams from her eyes.

"Help!" she gently said, but before Hiccup could do anything, the shadows pushed her harshly down into the massive, black hole and then they disappeared.

"ASTRID NO! NO! NO! NO!" Hiccup cried. He felt torn into pieces. Without hesitation, he ran as fast as he could towards the massive, black hole and jumped right into it in hope to... save... Astrid.


Hiccup woke up with a big, loud gasp. This... was... just... a dream... NO, it was a nightmare! His eyes quickly tried to get adjusted to the darkness in his room. He took a deep breath and looked around in his dark room.

"Astrid?.. what are you doing here?" he quietly asked, surprised.

Astrid stood right next to him with tears in her eyes. She had run all the way from her room to his room - and in the middle of the night.

"I... had... a... nightmare about you" she cried. "I... just wanted to make sure... you" she stopped to take some deep breaths.

Hiccup gave her a cute smile. "It's alright, it's alright... calm down, calm down" he gently whispered and reached a hand out to touch her waist while lifting the blanket with his other hand.

"Do you wanna sleep here?" he gently asked. He didn't want to tell her about his nightmare.

Astrid nodded sadly. "...yes" she whispered.

Hiccup then pulled her by the waist and she went into his bed.

Now there they were, laying together in the middle of the night, sleepy and both shocked. Astrid was laying with her back against Hiccup's bare chest. She felt safe now.

Hiccup had wrapped his arms around her to keep her close. He slowly moved his head closer to her shoulders and began kissing her up and down her neck. Astrid giggled, it tickled when his warm lips touched her cold skin. But she enjoyed it, the long run in the dark to get over here was worth it.

Time went and the young couple then slowly fell asleep...


The morning came, terrible terrors, singing on the rooftops and villagers starting their morning-tasks. It was so peaceful and quiet... just until Stoick woke up.

"BONK... BONK... BONK..." someone knocked on the door. Stoick took his helmet and went over to see who it was. When he opened the door, Helga stood there. Her arms were crossed and she had a concerned look in her eyes.

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