Chapter 7 - Joyful And Shirtless

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"ASTRID, WHERE HAVE YA BEEN?!?" Helga shouted as Astrid came in through the door. She had been out doing... couple things with Hiccup for hours upon hours. Her mom and dad surely were very concerned because of her lack of attendance. It was twelve o'clock in the night and Astrid had not told them where she went and when she would come back again.

"I am so sorry mom, dad... I completely forgot the time... I was just together with Hiccup it was all fine" Astrid apologized "I will tell you next time... I promise".

Astrid knew well that her mother was very overprotective and that she only overreacted like that because of her love for Astrid. It was kind of a lovely feeling to know, but Astrid was no longer a little girl, she was a woman now.

Helga's face became softer, her temper felt down again and her mouth slowly pressed on a smile. "It is all right mah dear," she said and went over to give Astrid a hug.

To her big surprise, Astrid was wearing something very shiny and beautiful. "What is that wonderful thing around yar neck?" she then asked and carefully touched it with one finger.

"It's a... eh... it's a gift... from... Hiccup" Astrid whispered, especially on the last bit. 

Helga's eyes widened and her face went into a proud expression. "Wow, ya are a lucky girl - eh woman," Helga said and patted Astrid on her shoulder.

Astrid was proud, this necklace was incredibly beautiful. She would wear it as much as she could. That would give her a feeling of Hiccup - kind of. She really appreciated this masterpiece.

"Now get some sleep before the sun gets up!" Helga ordered smiling and pointed a finger at the stairs.

Astrid nodded and went towards the stairs in a hurry. She would just get this night over, so she could spend more time with Hiccup again.

...Hiccup... just the name of him made her soft inside. He was... he was... so... attractive. Astrid couldn't wait to see him again. 

And the same went for Hiccup, he was so in love with her. He and Astrid had decided to each sleep at their parents this night - just for their sake because they would leave tomorrow and fly back to The Edge.


Astrid lied impatiently in her bed, thinking about Hiccup. She couldn't sleep, it was getting a little warmer in the nights. She thought about taking off her shirt and just leaving on her brassiere. That was no problem with that, if Hiccup could sleep shirtless, she could too. At least she could always use the temperature as an excuse.

She then took off her shirt. This felt different - but in a good way. She was getting used to sleeping with a shirt due to the extreme cold in the winter periods. But this felt so clean... so refreshing. She threw herself under the blanket and began to find a comfortable position.

Her eyes could barely hold them self up anymore, she felt tired. She closed her eyes and sighed. "Sleep... sleep... sleep..." she said and slowly went off.


The night felt long even though Hiccup slept, he was so impatient. After all the making-out by the shore, he felt a longing for more... for her. This was such a good feeling, to make Astrid a happy girl - eh... woman.  He couldn't wait to see her again. 

...But he still had six hours before the sunrise...

"Come on Hiccup, sleep! sleep! sleep!" He cheered to himself, this was harder than it seemed. He closed his eyes to try and relax... but it didn't work. 

Hiccup tried to think of an easy way to fall asleep...

Then he suddenly remembered something Gothi once explained. 

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