Chapter 3 - Being Attracted

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There was a moment of silence...

Astrid looked surprised at Hiccup. Had he just asked if he could take off his shirt? Could she sleep beside him? While he was shirtless?... It was a little strange... to take the next step. She didn't even know how he looked like under that armor. But someday, she had to should try it, so why not just do it when she had the chance? Astrid blushed a bit, but he couldn't notice here in this half-dark room.

"Uhmm... Nope, I don't mind..." she whispered with a relaxing gaze. "Did that sound too strange?" she asked herself. "What does Hiccup think... right now?"

There was a little quiet in the room again - just like a cloudless night filled with stars... 

"Did you know that you and I have been together for more than five years," Astrid said, to ease this awkward mood. 

"Ow... I never thought of it that way - I mean that's a long time" he answered, smiled and took off his shoulder straps. "Maybe we should do something... together... you know... to celebrate it" he suggested and pulled off his red tunic.

Astrid tried her best not to stare at him while he was standing there bare upper body and folding together the red tunic. 

"Yeah... maybe we should" Astrid agreed. She then turned around in his bed, trying to avoid to seem too intimidating with her gaze at Hiccup. 

His arms may not be that big, but he still had a nice figure. And on his pale belly, she could well sense the six-pack and his chest was also marked. Maybe he wasn't as big and buff as for example Snotlout, but he still looked good. Hiccup went over to the bed and got down beside Astrid, pulling the blanket up to his chest. 

There was some time with just silence... 

"Sooo, how was your day?" Astrid asked with a smile. 

"It was nothing... just some paperwork that had to be done... it makes you tired, you know," Hiccup replied, turning his head to look at Astrid. 

"How was your day then?" he asked back with a low voice. 

"Great!.. didn't do a lot today... it was kinda relaxing" Astrid answered and looked back at him.

"I am planning to take a trip back to Berk tomorrow, I have some things to talk about with my parents" Astrid started. "eh... which thing?" Hiccup worriedly asked, while watching her deeply in her light-blue eyes. 

"It's my dad's birthday in just three days, you know... they need to talk with me about some things," she said. 

"I think Toothless and I will join, my dad and I could have a little conversation too" Hiccup whispered. "Alright then... tomorrow we visit Berk" Astrid made clear, laughingly. 

The two young Vikings just gazed at each other for a few minutes. Then Astrid took her hand and ran her fingers through his auburn locks. Hiccup didn't want to admit it, but he LOVES! when she does that. 

"Do you want to hear something kind of funny?" Astrid asked, still fumbling around in his hair. Hiccup moved a little closer to her. "Yeah?" he replied.

"Maybe it sounds a little weird but... I... I've actually never slept as good as I did last night..." Astrid blushed, trying to hide her red cheeks in the pillow... 

"Me neither... it felt... good, " Hiccup said very quietly. Those words made Astrid's heart skip a beat. He actually felt the same way as her, that's surprising since he never was that kind of guy... "But I'll have to admit... I like it..." Astrid thought to herself.

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