Chapter 6 - A Symbol Of Love

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And just as the sun went down the horizon, Astrid went to bed with a hope for good dreams this time. Her dad came home earlier this evening. They had spent a lot of time together and talked about his journey and Astrid's adventures. Now Astrid was laying in her bed, tired. She told herself that she had no right to leave her room this time... Just for her father's sake. But she still had a desire for - I guess you know who.

Astrid and Helga had told the other villagers to not talk about anything that involves her father's birthday because he still didn't know about the party, that was going to happen tomorrow. It was a secret, a surprise for him.

Astrid looked at the wooden seeling of her room with a depressing expression, she felt a big mix of emotions. She was very excited to celebrate her father and all that, but it was just as though something was missing. She turned around on her side a sighed, her emotions were so strong. It felt like they were fighting inside of her mind. It was so annoying and so confusing. Could it please just stop until she at least had celebrated her father. That was all she asked for.

"The Guards hate me!" she sadly said to herself and shed a tear. Her mood swings made her so tired in the brain. All she thought about was him... his eyes, his lips, his hair, his warm body... him.

... Hiccup...

Astrid began to cry, her face went red and she buried herself in her pillow. "Is this how my nights are gonna be without hiccup?... sad like this?" she thought and moved her fist back and forth in her eye to dry out the tears. "You better be strong now Astrid!... You can do it without... Hiccup... for now" she cheered to herself and sniffled.

"Now! Get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a big day!" she said as she closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep...


Morning came and the villagers were gathered up in the Great Hall, it was a very shiny day, perfect for a celebration. Now the only thing they needed was Egil - Astrid's dad. He had just woken up and was now looking everywhere around in the house for Helga and Astrid. They weren't there, that was very unusual, especially because it was his birthday today.

He went out of the house and headed to the Great Hall - the only place he could think of that Astrid and Helga would go. To his big surprise, there were no villagers around. "This is strange," he thought.

Everyone in the Great Hall tried to be as quiet as possible to not make him notice. They were ready with banners and the female Vikings had been making a big feast.

...They could hear footsteps from the other side of the doors...

A little "click" and the handles were opened. The door slowly got pushed open and in the unsuspecting Egil walked.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouted in unison. Egil was very speechless, that was unexpected - for him.

He laughed happily as they all stormed at him to wish him a happy birthday. "Wow, that explains everything" was the only words he could produce. He was shocked - but in a good way.

"Mah girl," he said looking at Astrid after all the people went back to the tables. He went over and gave her a hug. "That's why ya were so mysterious last night," he said relieved.

Astrid smiled at him "Yes" she said. But then, Astrid felt something. Something was missing. She turned her head and looked at Stoick who was casually talking with some fishermen in the corner.

...Of course... Hiccup...

"Where was he?" she asked herself.

A little "clonk" and the door was slowly pushed open again. In came a little thin boy, carrying a cloth bag on the side of his belt. It was Hiccup, he started to jog a little quickly in the direction of Helga.

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