Chapter 4 - Having a Desire

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Our young Dragon riders were now about to land on the big, rocky island - also know as Berk. They had been gazing at each other, like newly-in-love for an hour straight. But now they had to land. It was like letting go, they wanted each other so bad.

But the duties had to be done so they need to split up. It was a little sad but luckily it was not that bad compared to what they had experienced before.

"See you..." Hiccup whispered. "Just find me if you need... something"

"I will!" Astrid answered.

They each landed and got met by the Vikings of the town. They were surprisingly happy to see them. Nothing weird since they had been out on the edge for almost a whole month.

"AY SON! welcome back to Berk" Hiccup suddenly heard. A large Viking came into view, it was Stoick the Vast. "Hey dad, how's it goin'?" Hiccup nervously asked. What if Stoick was mad at him - you never know about such things.

"We have a lot to talk about" Stoick smiled and ordered with his hands that Hiccup should follow him.


In the meantime, Astrid went to her parent's house. "Mom, Dad I'm home" she called. She could hear a little noise from inside the hut as she came closer. Suddenly the door opened and a female Viking stood in the doorway - it was Helga, Astrid's mom.

"Ma girl, come in, come in. Your dad is not here before tomorrow night, so we need to be quick" she said quietly and went inside. It was just as though Astrid's dad didn't know she came. Why didn't they tell him? Astrid asked herself.

"Does dad know I am coming?" Astrid asked a little nervous. Her mother's look was a little mix of excitement and happiness.

"No, when I got back your terror-mail, I tried to read it, without him noticing," she said.

Astrid was a little confused. Why?

Helga could see that Astrid didn't catch it... "We are making a surprise party for him, and therefore he must not know that you are here!"

Astrid sighed in relief. Her very confused face now got replaced by a happy laugh. Of course, it would be a surprise party, he was turning forty-five. That is his big day, so of course, they would give him something special. Astrid's mom had just thought about everything. All she needed now was her daughter.

"Come, sit down lass" Helga commanded. "I want to know a little about you and the Haddock boy... if I may ask?"

Astrid blushed. Why would her mom want to know about her love life? That is none of her business. But as long as it wasn't something too personal, she could ask.

"Yeah? what about us?" she nervously asked. Helga's eyes widened, she took a deep breath and said: "you are young Astrid, but youth is never gonna be there forever..."

Astrid puckered her brow in confusion. "You know... you might start to think about finding someone to spend your life together with," Helga explained.

Astrid put her hand on top of her mother's "So you mean, I should go and marry Hiccup?" she asked with a soft and gentle voice.

Her mother smiled "well if he's the right one, then...". Helga looked proudly at Astrid. Her beloved daughter. She was no longer a little child. Helga sighed and smiled once again, she was more than happy to see Astrid again.

"How about something to eat? The flight must've made you hungry, ey lass?" Helga asked to hold up the conversation and went out in the kitchen. Astrid laughed "Do you have any water? I'm actually a bit thirsty."

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