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                             Autumn of 2012
                              Coldwater, PA

College just let out for the day. Leaves have fallen, sprinkling the ground with glitz of brown, red and yellow. Rain creates a damp, dreary day, gray skies, the atmosphere foggy. Most people hate days like this. These are my favorite during this time of year.

Gives me an excuse to stop at Carl's Bakery. Although I do every day after school. Before I even walk in, they know my order.

The staff love me. Daily routine consists of school, bakery, work, then spending time with my little man at home. Since we won't be raking leaves and jumping in them, we'll have to settle for relaxing on the couch, and watching his favorite cartoons.

The rain splashes on my face, reminding me why I'm alive. Looking above into the clouds, soaking in the tingling rain, I smile. There's something about rain that brings the life out in me.

Chenelle and I went hiking once, made it to the top swiftly. The weather was beautiful, but on the way down, it started to downpour.

I wasn't prepared. Dumb me did my makeup. I didn't want to look like I was in a horror film, so I stripped my shirt off. Of course I had a bra on. Wouldn't have mattered anyhow. No one was there. Chenelle followed suit.

We ran in the rain with our shirts covering our faces. I'll never forget that moment of being a young, dumb 18 year old. I'll also never forget to check the weather before going on a hike.

Trotting on slick cement, the smell of rain finally sinks in. Mists of water have made their home upon the ragged edges of green grass.

Clingy leaves have turned. Student's cars roar to life, confirming the end of a school day. Windshield wipers and lights do their job. I always park at Carl's Bakery, they don't mind. It's close to school, and I eat there anyway. It's way easier than exiting the school parking lot.

On the sidewalks, horns are honked and music is blared. Several screams launch from inside the vehicles. Windows are down and hands are out, catching the drizzling droplets. In the distance is the bakery, looking cozier than ever. Rainy days call for a warm coffee and a slice of shoe fly pie.

Brown undertones blend nicely with the gold font. Red shutters match the fall leaves that have welcomed themselves. Carl's Bakery is lit bright on this wet, gloomy day.

As I'm about to step into the parking lot, a male zooms past in his Chevy pickup, splashing water and mud all over me. Great, just what I needed, mud on my brand new pants that I could barely afford. School books and homework, wet. All the notes I slaved over, worked so hard on are destroyed. I want to cry. No one would know, they would think it's the rain.

Left gasping, mouth hung wide open, hands at either side of me, that ass really did that to me, didn't he? The bad thoughts crawl into my mind. No complaining, remember? Mom already does that enough for the both of us. Then I'm swept away with the blissful thought of going home to him.

In front of the door, I try my best to wring out these wet clothes. Thank heavens I didn't wear a white t-shirt. Although, this cotton shirt has shriveled up above my navel. Just as I'm about to open the door, I hear a voice behind me, two in fact.

"Did you see Rachel's rack today? Fuck, I have a chub just thinking about it." Gross. I thought the mud that is now drying on me was disgusting, but nothing tops this man's crude comment.

Not even attractive in the least. Filthy boots that need scrubbed with soap, ripped boot cut jeans, and a flannel, bring out the blue in his eyes. Black hair frames his greasy face.

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