Chapter 56: It Could Happen to You

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"Sydney Jones! Is it true that you're pregnant? Is the baby really Jason's? Are you and Jason still together? Is he back with Joy? Did you really get money for those photos of Jason? What's the scoop?" I freeze, like the rain that hangs from the gutters, ice. I'm stuck, just like that man I bumped into. I don't know what to say, where to look. Cameras flash all around me like strobe lights. Click! Click! Click! The loud chants scream into my ears.

Bombarding questions that I don't even know the answers to. Or want to know. I just want to be left alone. Axel tugs on my arm, but I still don't move. My mouth opens, paparazzi's zoom in closer to my face, but I'm stunned. I swallow, where are we? Is it even legal for all these people to harass me?

Then it sinks in. Really sinks in, I've known the answer all along, but I never payed attention to it. I've ignored the inevitable. I need Jason. If he were here, he'd know exactly what to do, what to say. He'd know how to get us out of this situation. Jason would keep Axel and I safe, including himself.

This is the part that washes over me. The part when I'm thawing, no longer stuck. Jason isn't here. He's not coming back. No more surprise visits. There won't be any more anticipating kisses that keep me awake for hours. Instead, I'm left to face this alone. Just like everything else in my life. I am alone.

The reporter's mouth slowly moves up and down. Her voice deepens, as if I'm a foreigner and I can't make out what she's saying. People start to push me around, but once they touch Axel, the show will be shut down. I'm being eaten alive by these bullies, people I don't know, never even seen before. If I wouldn't tell my son, I'm sure as hell not telling them anything.

I grab Axel's hand, turn around, and flip them off while walking away. More cameras go off, but I don't care. What do I have to lose? Everyone hates me already, might as well let em' hate me more. The thing is, everyone has different perceptions of people. But no one will ever know who you really are, you only know yourself.

We push past all the people that have circled around. Why the hell am I even important? I didn't do anything special. Didn't save lives, wasn't in the military, all I did was date Jason Foreman briefly. That was months ago, can we please get over it now?

Our shopping was cut short. We plow through the doors, just to freeze up all over again. More people wait outside for us. The air is too brisk to just stand around in. Screaming fans, "Where's Jason? We want Jason! We want Jason!" Over again, "You don't deserve him you slut! You and that bastard baby can rot in hell!" That's it!

I hurriedly pick Axle up and run to the car. Damn Ax! How much pizza do you eat?! I shouldn't be lifting him at all, but we have to get out of here. I put him down and rush to unlock the door. The crowd of people are running this way.

I try to start the car, but it won't. The chilly air must've gotten to it. Again, I try, Axel looks as frightened as I feel. Looking to the sides, people start to bang on the windows. Yelling at us, scaring my son, is this what all celebrities have to deal with? This is terrible, terrifying!

It feels like the apocalypse. I'm just trying to escape, get away from the flesh-eating varmints, but they have to fill their needs. They want a taste, but I won't grant them their wishes. I wonder what would happen if I just got out of the car. Would they beat me? Scream at me? Taunt me? It's nothing I'm not used to.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. Think. Think godammit! Think! I instantly remember the time when Jason got out of the Tesla. The black leather seats were hot at the time. These leather seats are cold under my jeans. Suddenly Jason's words fill my head. "Drive baby."

Just like when we switched seats, so I could take control. I release the last breath of cold air. Start the car, lay on the horn and drive, I escape. The angry mob tries to chase me, but I have to get home. Axel is cold, and I'm exhausted.

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