Chapter 12: Not Again

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Collecting each event that took place since then, "Jason, was in the outfield, someone hit a foul ball. He gave it to Axel." I continue, "After the game, Axel went missing. While I was using the bathroom, he ran off. I assumed someone abducted him, but he only wanted an autograph from Jason." 

Before breaking contact, it seems like Chenelle is having a hard time following. She's confused as to how Jason emotionally hurt me. "Jason, the baseball player, signed Axel's ball. When I looked at it, his number was written on it as well."

I tell her about the car accident, that I had no one to call, so I called Jason. How I still don't have a car. I've been taking a cab to work and back. Sometime I walk to work, if I'm feeling up to it. I need to look for another one. Since I've received some money from the insurance company. 

"So, we ended up at the pent-house he was temporarily staying at." Chenelle leans forward, all ears, eager to know what happened between us. She asks before I can tell, whisper yelling so the boys won't overhear. 

"Did you two have sex?" Winking while asking. My face reddens as I remember the intimate moment we shared in the shower. Not meeting her contact, she already knows the answer. "I don't blame you Sydney. Jeez, if I were in your shoes, I would totally bang a hottie baseball player like Jason Fucking Foreman. I would pounce on that opportunity in a heartbeat."

A ping of jealousy kicks in hearing her talk about Jason that way. I know she's with Jacob. She would never cheat on him, especially with a man I'm involved with. Except, I'm not involved with Jason, at all. He doesn't belong to me, not even for the brief time we were together. His words marinate in my head, 

"Sydney, I'm flattered, but I want to take you out and show you off. I want everyone to know what's mine." I bite my lower lip at the thought of his words. Butterflies gang up in my stomach, swarming around. I want them to escape, fly far away, and never come back. Why doesn't he want me now? I almost want to cry thinking about it. Chenelle is waiting for me to go on, so I look at her and do so. 

"Yea well anyway, we did have sex. Then I left him because I felt so bad about myself afterwards." Chenelle doesn't interfere, just listens to me. That's exactly what I need right now. "He almost begged me not to leave. Even his driver told me not to." 

"Wait! He has a personal driver?!" Scratch my earlier statement, she's no longer listening. The wheels in her head churn.

"Yes, he has a driver. He's the one who picked us up from the hospital after the accident. Nice guy, yellow teeth, but still, nice guy. That's besides the point!" I roll my eyes in a joking manner as I smile. We're getting off track here

"You dental people are always critiquing people's teeth, appalling.", said with a disgusted look. I shake my head. 

"Whatever. So, I left with Axel, we went to the subway. I already know what you're thinking. Yes, a man almost mugged me, no Jason didn't get me a damn plane ticket home. I don't even live that far. He swooped in and saved us Chenelle." I pause briefly so emotions don't get the best of me. "He was so good to Axel. I could see myself falling for him." God that was hard to admit. To fall for someone so fast like that, I barely know the man. "After he saved us, he took us back to his pent-house. He was furious, we argued. God, we argued a lot, like a damn married couple. Disagreeing on more than one thing, we always made up though. No, we didn't have make up sex." I assure before she can think to ask. "We agreed to belong to each other, no one else. When we kissed, it was so hot. I felt things I've never experienced before. Then Axel walked in and witnessed it." Chenelle's mouth drops, she covers it with a hand then composes herself. 

"Yea, he only saw us kissing, nothing else. He ran out of the room. Told me he feels so alone, with no dad, no siblings, no aunt or uncle, grandparents, how he doesn't even have me. The worst part was when he said 'Jacob and Chenelle are more of my parents than you will ever be.' Chenelle gasps, surprise. 

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