Chapter 3: Good in Goodbye

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Experiencing this is so surreal. Clear blue skies, a calm breeze, and lush green grass, nothing more beautiful. Oriole's outfield, Yankees up to bat. Clutch, number 11, is up. The tranquility astonishing. Everyone waits for Number 38, to pitch the ball. In his stance, he lifts his right leg, slightly crossing over to his left. Leaning forward, the ball flies to 11.

Clutch is in position ready to swing. The ball shoots but he move. Strike one for Clutch. Happening all over again but this time he swings and misses. Two strikes, Clutch takes the walk after six pitches.

Five minutes go by and there are back to back walks for the Yankees. Since we are so close, I can't help but notice the players spitting onto the field. I know it is baseball and common to do so, but it is repulsive. The coaches are blowing monstrous bubbles. So big, if they were to pop, the gum would cover half their faces.

As of now the Yankees have two outs. 12, Jasper Dane is batting. After the second time around, he hits the ball to left field and makes it to first. Clutch comes into score. Yankees have taken a one to nothing lead.

Bottom of the fourth inning Yankees with 4 and Orioles with 1. "Mom, when are the Orioles going to win?" My eyes refrain from the game and meet Axels.

"Sweetheart I don't know. Just keep cheering them on and hope that they do win. If not, don't worry, there are plenty of other games."

During the seventh inning stretch, they start to play "Country Boy". Axel stands up to clap his hands, jumping up and down. "Thank God I'm a country boy!", he screams mockingly. The only thing I can do is laugh.

It is the most fun I've had in years, thanks to him of course. The song is over and a man to the right of us stands. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my best friend's 19th birthday and to celebrate, we are going to sing happy birthday to him!" The birthday boy glares at his friend, embarrassed as he turns around blushing. "You guys can join in if you'd like but here we go. Happy Birthday to y-" all of a sudden he is muted when the intercom announces

"Ladies and Gentlemen please remain standing for the National Anthem." The birthday boy turns the friend around. I can't help but chuckle along with them. How embarrassing? Oh well the guy was buzzed anyway. He probably doesn't give two shits. Halfway through the song everyone screams "O!", for the Orioles while the woman continues on with the rest of the song. Once it is over we all take our seats.

"PEANUTS! Get your peanuts here!" Well what's a baseball game without peanuts?

Raising my right hand, "I'll take some peanuts." The young boy starts walking down the steps toward me.

"Hey get out of the way would ya? I don't like ass in my face unless it's my wife's." Tough crowd. Next to me stands the boy, probably eighteen. Braces and zits cover his face.

"Here you go ma'am. That'll be $3.00." Wallet in hand, I reach for the crisp three-dollar bills.

"Thank you, and sorry for your troubles sir."

I really do feel bad for the boy if this is how he gets treated every game.

"You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of the game. Especially you little man." Before he travels away he reveals an encouraging grin. The peanuts are actually for Axel just to tide him over until we eat dinner.

"These are for you little man." Axel accepts the peanuts with a disdainful face. "You're welcome."

Top of the eighth, Orioles in the outfield and Yankees up to bat. Jason Foreman on the Orioles is right amongst me at third base. Player 18 on the Yankees is currently batting. The pitcher pitches the ball and 18 hits it but it's a foul.

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