Chapter 29: My Strange Addiction

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Jason insisted on taking Axel and I to Carl's Bakery. To be honest, I haven't really gone much after my parents died. Last I've heard, Carl sold the place before he died, but the owner decided to keep the name since it's a popular restaurant, also in memory of the creator. Jesse no longer works there. He joined the Army.

In other words, this place still holds a spot in my heart, but it's not the same without the people I care about. When I walk in, no one recognizes me. They don't know my usual, or the booth I always sit at.

They have no idea I used to help shovel the parking lot in exchange for food for Axel and I. In a way, I'm glad I've moved on from all of that because it was pure agony, having to worry about his next meal. Now we are well off and I don't have to worry about his well being anymore.

The restaurant still looks the same. Cozy, warm tones of gold, red and brown, reminding me of a cool, dreary autumn day. Jason backs in, parking the Tesla. I get out from the back seat and open Axel's door. My arm around Ax's shoulders, Jason leans against the car and pulls out a single cigarette from a half empty pack.

Placing the firm stick between his lips, squinting his eyes as he cups a hand, bringing the lighter to the end, he lights the kill stick. Inhaling, blowing out its toxins, polluting the clean air, "Go ahead, I'll be in shortly.", he announces. I simply roll my eyes and lead Axel to the door.

It's so annoying, I try to tell Axel not to smoke, that it's a bad habit

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It's so annoying, I try to tell Axel not to smoke, that it's a bad habit. Then his own father shows up and smokes in front of him. Now for some godly unknown reason, Jason decides to pick up a habit I didn't know he had.

Axel looks up to Jason, in fact idolizes him. If he continues this behavior, Axel may think it's okay to smoke. Which pisses me off. I have nothing against people smoking, they can make their own decisions, but don't do it in front of my kid.

Gaining access to the door, Axel reaches it before I do. An old couple walks from the inside of the restaurant to the door and crouches down. Meeting Axel's level, "Thank you for respecting your elders son."

Axel and I smile, "You're welcome." Once the elderly couple passes, Axel guides me inside by bowing. I giggle, then courtesy before walking in. The smell of coffee wakes my senses, fuming my desires to taste the rich dark brew of a steamy cup of joe.

A young lady behind the counter greets us. Her hair thrown up in a bun with two pencils holding it in place. A plain lipped smile across her soft features, a delicate kind of pretty. With tulip purple fingernails, she begins to rattle off all baked goods on the menu. The place now sells subs of many assorted meats.

Axel and I both settle on a turkey twelve inch sub. He gets a Pepsi, I order lemonade. We take our ticket, and find the booth Jason and I sat at five years ago. When we sit down, the door chimes and in comes cool, calm and collected. Hands now shoved in his pocket, the check out girl looks up and bites her bottom lip. Flirtation swims in her eyes.

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