Chapter 20: Where do I belong?

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"We're watching the Orioles play?! Why?! Of all things! You want me to sit here to watch him play?!" Chenelle's face falls, probably not expecting me to explode like this. She knows how I feel about Jason, with what he did to me. He screwed me in more way than one, literally. How could she make me face him like this?

"Listen, we don't have to, Jacob wanted to watch the game, but if it's too much for you then we can leave." Now I'm the bad guy because I don't want to be here. I didn't ask for this. My life is just too much sometimes.

"No, don't worry about it. He probably won't even know I'm here." That's it Sydney, positive thinking. You can do this! I believe in you, don't let your dreams be dreams! Ok enough of the weird pep talk, let's watch this game.

The nostalgia in the atmosphere is real. So many memories come rushing back, almost unbearable. I find myself back in school, the girls calling me names because I was never good at the sport. I tried my hardest even though my heart was never in it. I was an outsider. When up to bat, no one cheered me on.

Axel has been playing baseball since he could throw a ball. I always encourage him to do his best. I don't care if he wins or loses, as long as he's having fun is all that matters to me. I'll support him no matter what.

Peanuts and popcorn fill the air, littering the ground in microscopic pieces. I can't believe I'm putting myself through this again. We go through security, Chenelle and Jacob must have already ordered the tickets. we don't have to wait in line. Seats are occupied by many as we make our way to ours. This part always sucks, people stare at you and quietly judge. I never make eye contact, determined to find my spot. I start to climb the stairs.

"Sydney! Where are you going?", Jacob calls out to me. I stop on the second step, confused. Where else am I supposed to be going? I walk back towards my friends, maybe they want to get food, or a beverage. Shrugging my shoulders, I let them lead the way. Jacob grabs Chenelle's hand possessively, guiding her through the crowd. I keep my eyes on her blonde hair so I don't lose them.

While walking, I realize we are heading in the opposite direction of the food stands. We are going near the home plate. No, no please, I don't want him to see me here! In plain view, there are three seats that say reserved.

Ok, good, we are not sitting there. Jacob rounds the three seats and removes the signs, taking his pick at which seat he wants. Chenelle sits in the middle, and I have to sit on the far left. Standing there, stunned, I can't function straight. "Sydney, sit down.", Chenelle orders as she pats the seat. I do as told, reluctantly.

"Chenelle, what the fuck?", only her ears to hear. Is she trying to torture me? Chenelle's lips cork into a playful smile. She knows all too well what she is doing. Leaving me out of the loop is only pissing me off more.

"Sydney, just relax and enjoy the game." Like hell that will happen. I rise from my seat, ready to leave, but Chenelle has other plans. She pulls me back down, willing me to stay.

"Do you even remember anything that happened last night Sydney?" I remember Gavin and I making out, him getting hit by Jason. Jason and I making out, then I left. Went outside and blank, not much after that.

"Mostly, why?"

"Do you remember Jason carrying you to your room last night? You were wasted out of your mind." Did he now? Is that why he called this morning? To check up on me, make sure that I was okay? Was he also the one who removed my clothes? I woke up naked you know! I never sleep fully naked. Mostly because if Axel has a nightmare in the middle of the night, I want him to feel welcomed. He can come into my room and sleep with me, in my bed if he needed to. So yea, I usually sleep in shorts and a shirt.

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