Chapter 31: Who will fix me now?

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Minutes feel like hours ticking by. Although I was late to get here today, I won't be late leaving once it's quitting time. I offered to stay an extra hour to make up for loss time, but Scott aka Dr. Tate; decided against it. I wasn't going to argue.

Our last patient left a half hour ago. We are just cleaning tools and prepping for tomorrow. I'm going to miss this place, though I don't even know why I'm saying that to be honest. Axel and I aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

"Sydney you look so beautiful, you're practically glowing." Scott inquires, popping my thought bubble. That's because my boyfriend fucked the devil out of me last night. Now I'm praising Jesus for blessing me with Jason's amazing cock. I'm still aching from him being so deep inside of me. God, I miss him already.

I clear my throat, "Uh, thank you Scott, my boyfriend plays a big role in that department." Scott shifts his weight, waiting for me to say I'm only joking, but the punch line never comes up. He knows quite a bit about me.

I've trusted him not to be one of the drama queens who knows everyone's business, then blabs their mouths all over town. He knows for a fact I haven't had a serious boyfriend for almost a decade. Maybe I haven't really had a serious boyfriend up until now.

The whimsical charms of music over the speakers have stopped. No more power tools, just awkward breathing and soundless hearts beating. Breaking the silence, which I would've been grateful for, if he wouldn't have taken the wrong route. "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend."

We both share the same look on our faces, unbelievable, but for two different meanings. I haven't went out with this guy for over two years and he still thinks he has a chance, pitiful. "I didn't realize my private life was any of your concern, Dr. Tate."

He closes his eyes for a brief moment, shocked at my blow using formality. "Please, just call me Scott. I thought you and I were-."

"Well I thought you and I were just working together." I cut him off, sending a sharp look his way, delivered. A strand of hair falls from my updo, dangling. He reaches over cautiously and tucks the stray behind my ear. I wince at the affectionate gesture that aren't the hands I want on me.

I close my eyes out of frustration and he must've taken it as a signal to kiss me because that's exactly what he does. Our lips connect and my eyes spring to life. Pushing him off, I wipe my mouth clean of his slimy lips. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! God, you could have any woman you want! You probably just ruined the only relationship I ever had or cared about. Fucking Asshole." That's all that's said before storming out of his office, slamming the door shut behind me. I hear him call out my name, but I don't respond.

The day I had. Christ, how am I going to explain this to Jason? What if he doesn't believe me? Oh God, I can't lose him again. This mix up will shatter him. I rush to my car, literally jog so Scott can't catch up. I rip out of the parking lot, doing an unintentional burnout in the process.

Pulling my phone out of the glove box, I dial up Deb. On the third ring Axel greets me. "Hi momma bear, can I stay at Debbie's tonight? She already said it's ok. Please, please, please?! She has an Xbox Mom!"

Note to self, Xbox one for Christmas this year. I pout, not that he can see, but I was looking forward to seeing my personal ray of sunshine. He always brightens my cloudy day, and I need him now. "I guess so, if that's what you want sweetheart. Do you want me to bring clothes over for you?"

"Thank you! No thanks, I gotta go now! Assassins creed is calling my name! I love you bye!" Before I can make a peep, he hangs up, leaving me with the dial tone. Can this night possibly get any worse?

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