Chapter 8: Where do we go from here?

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As soon as Axel and I exit the lobby, John is outside waiting for us. In front of the Mercedes with the back door wide open. Another reason, for Jason to believe I need him just as much as he thinks he needs me. I am determined to prove to him that I can be independent. We will just take the bus or train, subway, something other than Jason's privileged escapes.

"Ms. Jones, on command, I am to drive you home." At the car door, I firmly shut it. The door was scorching hot beneath my fingertips from the blazing sun.

"John, I respect you following orders, but we are taking a separate route." John leans over and reopens the door.

"Please don't make this harder than it has to be. Mr. Foreman is only trying to help you ma'am."

"Well John, I don't need his help. Frankly, I don't need anyone's help. Okay? Thank you but no thank you." I grab Axels hand. "We're going to take the subway. Take care John." Axel and I walk until the hotel is out of our vision.

"Mom, why didn't we just go with John? I'm tired of walking.", he complains after walking only two blocks.

"Axel, if there's one thing you haven't learned yet, your mother is stubborn." On the left are signs pointing to the subway. I've never used one before. I've heard mixed reviews. I mean I always wanted to try. All the rushing around is starting to attract glares from other citizens. Homeless men stand along the large business buildings. Cigarette butts have found their permanent homes on the ground.

The stairs leading to the subway are up ahead in clear view. I calmly guide Axel down the stairway as others push me to the side. Keeping my composure, I continue to move forward. The atmosphere is just as expected, grungy. Crowds of people cement the area of their travel. Dim lights flicker in multiple places. The pungent smell is not at all appealing to my senses. The smell of cigarette smoke, mold, and damp concrete intrude the air.

Every face here is miserable, no eye contact is made. Their headphones are being used, zoned out from the world. Glancing down at Axel, I notice him staring. Nudging at his shoulder, "Axel please don't stare at people. It is extremely rude." He looks down at the ground now. While trying to submerge through the openings of the crowd, we are approached by an older gentleman. Before he speaks, I try to avoid him, in any way possible.

Placing Axel in front of me while I guide him past others. If we use the bathroom he is coming in with me. I don't care if he is old enough to go by himself. There's not a chance in hell I'll let him out of my sight. I can't have him running off on me again.

They say not to judge someone based on their appearance, which I try not to, but I can't take the chance. Not knowing what these people are capable of, Axel will have to stick by me. Nobody will be touching my son. "Excuse me ma'am." The older gentleman hunched over sounds desperate. I'm desperate too, to get the hell home and out of this place. I simply try to saunter past, but he grips my arm tightly, clinging on.

Just as Jason has numerous times, spins me around to face him. The only difference is, this man is rough about it. Jason is so gentle and caring when it comes to Axel and I. At this point I wish that it was Jason instead. Looking him in the face, he releases my arm. "Do you have any money that I can borrow? I need it to visit my daughter."

Remember how you're not supposed to judge someone based on their appearance? Well, I'm going to. This man looks tired. Bags sag beneath his weary glazed over eyes. Looks and smells to me as though he hasn't bathed in months. His breath is revolting. Definitely some sort of addict. A younger woman joins the conversation.

"I tried to get money from this one guy, but he wanted something in return." Tears stream down her face. I clench onto Axel's hand. He is too young to understand, let alone witness this shit. "Please, give us some money." She cries out, releasing a croaking sob that causes me to wince.

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