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When they get home,  Tae went to the living room and turn on the TV , while Hoseok wrote some rules and came next to Tae.

Hoseok :" listen to the rules I made. "
Tae :" go ahead lol. "
Hoseok :"
1- don't enter to my room no matter what will happen .
Tae :" same to you. "
2- no party of friends, you can invite them to your room but no loud music or girls.
3- wash your plates when you finish your food .
Tae :" I don't cook  I always buy food ."
4- don't give your keys to anyone, even if they are close because you are not living alone.
5- I don't care about your room but don't make mess in the living room or the kitchen.
So this all what I have,  deal? "

Tae :" yea ." at that moment Tae went and wore his jacket and shoes.
Hoseok :" where are you going? "
Tae :" my rule don't ask me where I'm going or what time , we are not friends deal? "

Hoseok :" I was just curious,  you don't have to be mean. "
Hoseok get made and went to his room and played music and  start organizing his stuff .

After  2 hours hoseok finished ,  so he went out too , to the grocery store , he likes to cook his own food.. .

After few minutes Tae went back to his appatment ,but he didn't find hoseok ,  so he assumed he was in his room . He went to his too, it was totally mess also he was too lazy to organize it , he decided to sleep .
After 4 hours of sleeping Tae woke up just to drink water, he checked his phone it was 12am.

He went to the kitchen and found some water bottles, he took one then he heard the door opening..

He was so confused and went right away to see.  It was hoseok  his face was beating up really bad...

Tae :" what the hell ? weren't you at home?  What happened to your face,  hey can you hear me??"

Hoseok sat down in the floor :" I went at 8pm to buy some stuff but I lost the way then I met bullies and I fight back but they were many ... thanks god they didn't took my phone or money I was able to run.. I'm tired.. " he start feeling dizzy ..

Tae came closely and lifted him up in his arms and put him down in the sofa , hoseok felt Tae warm body and worried hands on his head.  Tae :" I will bring the emergency kit,  wait me ... "

Hoseok didn't feel the pain, he was too tired, he fell asleep...

In the morning, hoseok could hardly move,  he was covered by warm blanket of Tae.  He stand up and went to the kitchen , he opened the fridge and found that Tae brought food and stuff.

Hoseok :" he isn't that selfish he have kindhearted ,  I will thank him. "

Tae went out from his room  with his deep sleepy voice :" um..  How are you? "

Hoseok bound down and thanked him :" I'm really thankful for helping and taking care of me yesterday ..."

Tae sat in the chair ...  :" um.. I felt pity for you that's all. "

Hoseok rolled his eyes and took cup of milk and entred to his room :" I hate when people  feel pity for me ."

Hoseok get ready and went out , he found note in the fridge.. It was  a map of the grocery store and pharmacy and all the places might hoseok needs,  he smiled :" FUCK him why he acts like Bitch while doing cute and helpful stuff ." He took the note and left the apartment..

The elevator was about to close, he rushed and catch it,   Tae was there..  It was a bit awkward moment .

Hoseok :" don't wait me to thank you or anything. "
Tae :" I'm not waiting."
Hoseok :" do you know the studio dance for kids it called ' kid fly ' ?"

Tae :" yeah,  why? "
Hoseok :" I'm dance coach they offer me this job , so I accepted it. "
Tae :" so you are good at dancing?  Well I can drive you on my way. "
Hoseok :" yea , oh great!!"

Then They get in the car together,
Hoseok :" what are you going to study in the university? "
Tae :" art, I'm painter what about you? "
Hoseok :"  ah~ that's cool.. Well I'm studying to be good photographer. "

Tae :" do you have any friends in Seoul? "
Hoseok hold his hands tight :" I wish,  I left all my friends from mychildhood in city I was living in ,  but I'm sure I will be able to have friends here too. "

Tae :" good , there we are here!!!  look that the station you can take the bus to return home..  "
Hoseok :" thank you. " he stepped out the car and went to the studio..
Tae drived to the cafeteria he work in, he entered and changed to the uniform , then he head to work,  all girls come to the cafeteria is because Tae ..

The boss came to Tae :" Taehyungie help me out with preparing coffee park shyie  will not come today. "

Tae  panicked and blushed:" b-but I don't know how to do it ."
Youngae   smiled :" I will teach you then ."

Tae was talking to himself while helping her :" I have huge crush on noona I start working here last year.. she is so perfect, and really kind with me.. but she is older than me ..  And she is divorced.. I know have no chance.. She just see me as kid. "

Youngae said :" when you will start going to college? "
Tae :" from tomorrow..  Why noona ? "
Youngae :" I have to change your schedule to match your classes , so tomorrow I will give it to you. "
Tae :" thank you so much noona... " he speak to himself :" she really care about!!!  I'm so happy. "

At that time Hoseok was having  great time in the studio teaching kids dancing , When the section ended all the kids came and gave Hoseok hugs. He was really impressed and glad..

Then after few minutes, He got call from his mother :" how are you baby? "
Hoseok :" oh ~ eomma I missed you, Yea I'm fine don't worry what about you and dad and sister? "
Hoseok mother :" we are doing okay,  dong get involved a lot with the people there and be careful okay. "
Hoseok :" don't worry eomma ."

After they finished talking he hang up and went to the station..  Then He took the bus .

He arrived home at 16pm  so he took bath and went to the kitchen and start cooking,  at that moment Taehyung came back from work. 
He opened the door and smelled delicious scent he walked to the kitchen :" Yo! "

Hoseok :" oh, you are home,  wanna join me? "
Tae :" REALLY?!!"
Hoseok :" yea wash your hands and let's eat. "
They sat together and Tae took the first bite :" OMG ≥﹏≤ this so delicious !!!"

Hoseok :" I know haha,  I'm good at cooking, my mom used to teach me. "
Tae :" I have deal how about you always cook for me and I will always buy the gorcey stuff Deal? "

Hoseok smiled :" you liked my cooking that much? "
Tae looked at him :" your cooking reminds me of someone cooking's . "
Hoseok :" okay then deal ♡."
Tae :" t-thanks. "
Hoseok :" wait minute I didn't hear you!!!  Say it one more time. "
Tae :"hell no. "
Hoseok :" come on!! "

Hoseok was really sad in the inside because he missed his family and friends and taehyung was also feeling down but they start having each other around which make them a little bit happy ♡ ...

Check the new character
' youngae ' for more details In the first page.

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